Chapter 12.

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"Get in dipshits" Steve grumbled, opening his house's door. His eyes hovered over to Nancy and he quickly cleared his throat. "And Nancy" he added with a lopsided smile. Nancy rolled her eyes and laughed, entering the all too familiar house. After Barb's death, Nancy had avoided the house like the plague, it had too many harsh, guilt inducing memories, ones that she had tried to forget. But she decided to face her fears and what best than over exposure? So she started visiting Steve at his home. First it was small excuses like Mike needed him, or Dustin wanted Steve to pick him up. Until Nancy finally had the courage to tell Steve that it was her who needed him, even if it was just as a friend, and Steve was only happy to oblige. They would spend nights talking, with Steve complaining about his job to Nancy who would always listen to him. That was what he adored most about her, she listened to him — something his own parents didn't have the time to do. She actually cared about him.

"Nance can you sort out the rooms? Max you can have your usual room" Steve informed edging towards the kitchen. Nancy nodded and led the pair up the stairs. "Mike you can stay in here." Nancy directed once Max had left to go to her own room. Mike nodded and sat down on the bed. Nancy sighed and followed, sitting on the bed next to him. "Why did you decide to come here Mike? Max often stays at Steve's when things get a little..." "rough?" Mike answered in a small voice. Nancy sighed again this time placing an arm around Mike's shoulders. "I don't know, I just felt like I should be near her" Mike mumbled into Nancy's arm "I get it, Mike I really do, you feel like you always need to be there for them." Mike nodded, his body starting to feel numb. "But you see..." Nancy started positioning herself to face Mike in the eye "sometimes it can get a bit... suffocating. I felt it with Steve, he — like you, always wanted to be near me, be there for me. But it got to a point where I needed space, to breathe." Mike looked away, staring at the rug on the floor. "Just give her some time Mike, that's all she needs" Mike looked back at Nancy "time for what?" he asked, his brows knitted in confusion. Nancy smiled at him before ruffling his hair. Her brother scowled but gave her a small smile back as he watched her make her way out the room and down the stairs.

"Mike?" a nervous voice called to him in the darkness. Mike groaned softly and rolled onto his side to turn on the lamp. He faced Max, who stood at the doorway clutching a small blanket. "Yeah?" Mike mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he got up. "Don't get up" Max said quickly moving closer to him. "What's wrong?" the boy asked, getting concerned. Max dropped her eyes to the ground, rubbing her arm awkwardly. "Fuck" she muttered embarrassed. "It's noth- it's nothing." Mike got out the bed and walked slowly towards her, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asked again, more softly this time. "Just a bad dream... I usually go to Steve, but he's uh" she cleared her throat. "Occupied with Nancy" Mike grimaced at the image beginning to form in his head. Weren't they supposed to be just friends? Mike cleared his head and nodded sympathetically. "So what now?" he asked feeling dumb. Max shrugged her shoulders, causing Mike to drop his hand. "I usually just sleep in Steve's bed and he takes the floor... because I need to have someone with me" Max closed her eyes in embarrassment. She felt like a bloody burden on everyone. "But it's fine, I can go to back to bed. I think the nightmares will—" "it's fine, you can stay here." Mike announced in a matter of factly tone. "No really it's fine..." Max started, turning away from the room. Mike felt himself deflate. "Max!" he said, cringing inwardly at his desperate tone. "You can stay." Max turned back around, her face slightly red. They were both getting uncomfortable, so Max decided to just agree and quickly ducked into the room, avoiding Mike's eyes.

"I'm gonna go get a blanket." Mike announced once Max sat on the bed. "No, Mike it's fine, I'll get the floor. I even have my blanket!" she said waving her small blanket in the air. "It's cool, I'm fine with the floor" Mike said. Max rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to protest again but was cut off "listen how about we share the bed?" Mike suggested, causing Max to shut her mouth. She mulled over the thought, she was scared of going back to sleep and having someone near her was a comforting thought. But that person being Mike was... "it's only for one night, Max" Mike said interrupting her silent debating. Max squinted at him, before finally giving in. "Fine" she said scooting over allowing the boy to climb in.

Truth was, that neither of them could sleep. The close proximity and the weirdness of the situation caused both to lay awake staring at the nothingness of the ceiling. About an hour had passed when Mike caved in. "Max?" he whispered "are you still awake?" The girl shifted to face him. "Yeah" she whispered back. Mike found himself smiling, he didn't know why but it just happened. "So..." Mike drawled, trying to make conversation. "What's Steve doing with my sister?" Shit, why did he have to ask that of all things, Mike chastised himself mentally. "It's fine, Mr Protective Younger Brother, they were just talking." Mike smiled again at the nickname, and nodded into the darkness. They both lapsed into silence. "Steve has a nice house" Mike commented, when the silence became unbearable. Max nodded "it's big" she said laughing lightly, causing Mike's stomach to lurch slightly. "No wonder Nancy's always over" Mike joked, getting another small laugh out of Max. "He's not proud of it though" she said as an afterthought. Mike frowned, turning to face her. "Why?" "It's usually empty... his parents are always away. So he hates big houses, finds 'em too lonely" Mike understood, his mom was often gone from his own house, and his dad always retreated to the living room, making his house feel pretty empty. The only life in the house was the party playing D&D downstairs in the basement. "Is that why he always has you over?" Mike asked. Max sighed and smiled into the dark. "Yeah, it's like we both need the other" Mike nodded, staring at a photograph on the wall. He wondered who was in it, and decided to check in the morning.

Max was the first to fall asleep, leaving Mike alone. He dared not move, fearing he would wake the girl up. So he decided to stare at the darkness for the millionth time, he had done so for about fifteen minutes when he felt Max stir beside him. Her movement became quicker and he could just about make out her face. Her lips were moving but she was inaudible, it struck him then that she was probably having another nightmare. Mike didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether to wake her up, ruining her sleep — they did have school the next day, or to let her sleep, but that would mean she'd have to carry on with the nightmare. His decision was made for him, as Max sat up with such force that her body started shaking. She gasped, her hands moving around wildly as she began to sob. Mike sprung into action, sitting up himself. "Hey... hey... shhh Max..." he consoled, slowly grabbing her arms. "Max... it's okay... it's okay...." he repeated soothingly, wrapping the crying girl in his arms from behind. Max turned her face, and buried herself into his shirt, she could feel his heart beating rapidly. She closed her eyes, concentrating on Mike's chest rising and falling, allowing the flashing images of her stepfather to fade away. "It was just a dream..." Mike reassured. Max bit her lip to stop the tears. That was the problem, it wasn't just a dream, it was reality, her reality.

The two stayed intertwined like that until Max's shaking stopped. They parted sheepishly, with Max rolling on her side facing away from Mike, who did the same. Sleep finally consuming them both.

"Mike, c'mon school —" Nancy stopped mid sentence at the sight of the two kids sleeping. Steve chuckled from her side "I always thought he liked El?" Nancy said turning to him. "Guess the Wheelers just have a gene that makes them like two people" Steve joked, Nancy pouted reminded of her own situation with Steve and Jonathan, and proceeded to slap Steve on the arm. "Ouch" he grinned rubbing his arm, Nancy rolled her eyes, slowly making her way to the bed. Mike's sleeping face was covered with Max's hair, who still had her back to him. Nancy crouched down and softly shook her younger brother. "Mike..." she whispered. The boy stirred slightly before going back to sleep. "They're tired" Steve noted "I can see that" Nancy replied, "but what are we gonna do?" she asked. Steve scratched the back of his neck. "Call in sick?" Nancy glanced at the pair and then back at Steve. She sighed getting up, "but I have a test today" Steve flashed a smile at her "it's cool, I'll watch them" Nancy twirled a strand of hair, a gesture of nervousness Steve had gotten too used to. "The best babysitter, remember?" Steve reassured, stepping towards her. Nancy looked at him "it's not that, it's just... I feel like they should be in school" Steve snorted, "Nance, c'mon not everyone can have your perfect attendance, besides nothing'll happen" Nancy rolled her eyes again and pushed him lightly. "Fine" she confirmed looking back at the sleeping kids. "Well okay then! Let's go get some breakfast" Steve said making his way down the stairs. Nancy nodded and followed him, shutting the door quietly behind her.

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