Chapter 11.

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"How come you don't have your skateboard?" Mike asked when the two were making their way towards the diner. Max continued walking, looking at the ground. "Okay then" Mike muttered looking away from her. "It broke" Max replied a beat later. "I'm sorry for your loss" the boy said, causing her to snort. "What?" Mike questioned genuinely confused. "Nothing, it's just that 'I'm sorry for your loss' has been rinsed out so much, it doesn't have an effect on me anymore." Mike frowned. "Been used to it since my dad's death" Max explained quietly. She didn't know why she was even sharing her sentimental shit with Mike. First her crappy home life and now this, perhaps Mike was the type of person she could just blurt stuff easily to. The two lapsed into silence, with Mike tugging awkwardly on his sleeve.

"I didn't order two dipshits?" Steve grinned when he saw them approach. "You're the one taking orders round here, not the other way round" Max said smugly causing Mike to bite back a laugh. "Speaking of orders, could you get my dad's usual?" Mike asked, and Steve nodded jotting it down on his notepad. "And for you dipshit number two?" Steve asked. Max smiled uncomfortably, knowing she didn't have any money on her, she also didn't want Steve to make it 'on the house' again. "She'll have the vanilla shake and me as well" Mike cut in, causing Max to shoot him a look. The boy looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. "What? You've never tried it before!" Steve scribbled it down in his notepad. "Well it'll take a while so go wait in a booth or something, and then I'll drop you guys home after my shift." The pair nodded at him and walked towards a booth.

"You didn't have to do that." Max said, once they were seated. Mike looked out the window avoiding Max's judgemental look. "I wanted to" he replied quietly. He turned to face her suddenly, his gaze heating Max's face slightly. "Why are you here?" he asked curiously. Max bit her lip, "I was looking for someone." She couldn't tell Mike about El's other crush, that'd be too awkward. Why was she plagued with keeping secrets from Mike, it was better when they weren't technically friends, when she didn't care. "Who?" Mike pressed further. "This uh girl." Max chastised herself inwardly, she didn't even ask El what the girl looked like. "Let me go ask Steve if he's seen her" Max said quickly, bouncing out the seat. She let out a breath when she approached the counter, far from Mike. "Steve!" she called. The teen turned around a pan in his hand. "What? Can't you see I'm working!" he hissed. "All of you are such annoying dicks" he mumbled to himself. "I heard that" Max said, causing Steve to secretly flip her off, nearly dropping the pan. "What do you want?" Max looked around. "There's this regular customer here, a girl... do you by any chance know who she is? She's about my age?" Steve frowned, thinking. "Well" he started setting down the pan on the counter. "There is this one girl, didn't ever catch the name but she comes here at least twice a week" he informed swatting a stray hair away from his forehead. "In fact she's right there talking to Mike!" he said pointing to Max's booth. Max was startled and looked at them both, she didn't expect to see the girl today.

Max slowly made her way back to the table, unsure of whether this even was the girl El was talking about. Max cleared her throat and Mike and the mystery girl looked up. "You're back" Mike said pointing out the obvious. Max rolled her eyes and slid in the booth next to Mike, since the new girl had taken her old spot. Her arm brushed against Mike's causing him to clench his fist. "Hey, I'm Sarah" the girl said extending a friendly hand. "Max" she replied back taking her hand. "I'm Mike's —" "girlfriend?" Sarah asked. Mike and Max's mouths dropped open and they looked at each other awkwardly. "No it's not like that" Mike said quickly. Max nodded by his side eagerly. "So does that mean you're not taken?" Sarah mused, leaning closer across the table to Mike. Max scrunched her face. "Actually..." but she was stopped as Steve dramatically placed two milkshakes in her face. "You need anything?" he asked Sarah getting his notepad ready. "Some fries please" she answered. Steve jotted it down and walked away. "So what school do you go to?" Max asked so the other girl would stop asking questions about Mike. "I just moved here, my dad's thinking of getting me a place in Hawkins High." Max cursed inwardly. "Oh cool, that's where we go too!" Mike said, causing Max to kick him under the table. "Just shut up and drink the milkshake" she whispered to him, when he glared at her.

Steve reappeared carrying a paper bag and a plate of fries in his hand. "Here's your order Miss... and Mike here's your dad's food." Mike grabbed the bag from him and the plate placing it down in front of Sarah much to Max's annoyance. "Well I'm off my shift now so let me take you guys home" Steve said twirling his keys in his hands. Max wanted to get out as soon as possible and so she went to grab Mike's dad's bag. Mike grabbed it at the same time, accidentally placing his hand over Max's. "Watch it Wheeler" Max mumbled, dropping her hand. Mike snatched the bag and turned to Sarah. "Well it was nice talking to you Sarah and if you ever need any help with the new school stuff then you know I'm there." Sarah smiled at him saluting him with a fry, as he made his way back to Steve and Max who were talking in hushed tones.

"You weren't that welcoming to me with the new school stuff" Max mimicked bitterly. Steve chuckled from the front. "I thought she was nice!" Mike said defensively. "Only because she had the hots for you" Max retorted back. "What? No! She was just curious" Mike said incredulously. Max snorted. "You're so fucking dumb" she muttered looking out the window. "So... is someone jealous?" Steve chimed in from the front. "No, she's just annoying" Max said pissed. Steve grinned to himself. "You used to be annoying too" Mike said cheekily. Max knocked his knee with her own. "I was only annoying to you because were lovesick over El" she shot back. "That's not true" Mike grumbled. "Yeah it is!" Max cried back. "That's enough, stop it the both of you!" Steve asserted, gripping onto the wheel. He ran a hand through his hair. "I swear all you kids are gonna drive me to an early grave."

"Mike here's your house" Steve said parking near the lawn, "tell Nance I said hi" he added. Mike frowned, resting his hand on the car's door handle. "Why did we get here first? Max's house always come first?" Max and Steve remained awfully quiet. "What's going on?" Mike asked slowly, getting suspicious. "Max is staying at mine, that's all" Steve finally answered. "Why?" Mike asked. "Jesus! Mike stop being so nosy" Max said agitated. Mike ground his teeth. "She can stay at mine" Max and Steve looked at him. "I still have the fort set up from last time... so you can stay at mine." Max rolled her eyes. "Mike that was a one time thing, and I'll be fine at Steve's I've been there before!" Mike shook his head. "Okay, stay at Steve's but just wait here for a sec" he said running out the car. "What is he up to now?" Steve groaned throwing his head on his wheel. Mike reemerged at Steve's window, a bag in his hand. "I'm staying at your's too" he announced. "Uh no, you're not, I'm not having a fucking sleepover" Steve said firmly. "I'm sure you can accommodate for all of us" a voice called from behind. "Nance" Steve acknowledged, his voice going flat. "Please!" Nancy said softly, throwing him puppy dog eyes. Steve punched his steering wheel in frustration. "You know I can't say no to that" he said through his teeth. Max crossed her arms in annoyance, as Mike slid back next to her, Nancy in the front. "Well lets go to my humble abode" Steve mumbled, driving away.

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