Chapter 15.

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"You okay?" Mike glanced up to see Sarah standing in the doorway, an arm slung casually over the frame. He swallowed and nodded at her, starting to get up. "I don't think you are." Sarah said, choosing to sit down next to the boy, who plonked himself back down. "It's just... a lot to take in" Mike confessed, shuddering as he remembered the ugly fight. "To think that I'm the reason for them... you know..." he trailed off, looking around the AV room. "It's not your fault" Sarah stated firmly causing Mike to whip his head back towards her. "It's not your fault that they're insecure in their relationship... that Lucas can't handle Max hanging out with you, a friend" Mike nodded again. "You're just friends. That's all." Sarah said, trying to drill the idea into Mike's head. Mike closed his eyes trying to focus on her words, letting his nausea lessen. He however found himself opening them as he felt a small hand on his. He looked over at Sarah who had her eyes trained on him, and her hand placed on his. Mike felt his heartbeat quicken clearly unsure of what to do. Instead he just froze allowing Sarah to wrap her fingers around his, as he pressed down the nausea that was beginning to form in the pit of his stomach once again. "Wheeler it's alright, you'll be fine" Sarah soothed but Mike felt his whole body collapse at the mention of his surname. It was right that only Max had, only Max was allowed to call him that, she was the only exception...

He jerked free of Sarah's hand, who in turn jumped. "Sorry..." Mike muttered embarrassed of his reaction. "It's alright" Mike ground his teeth as he felt his head swim at Sarah's repeated consoling. Something didn't feel right, but a part of him was screaming at him to stop and listen to what she had to say and so he did. "I think you should lay low for a while." Sarah suggested. The boy looked over at her again intrigued by her train of thought. "What do you mean 'lay low'?" He asked weakly. Sarah smiled, the one that showed her white teeth in all their glory. "I think maybe you should stay away from Max for a while, at least until Lucas calms down, even Max would like the distance. Trust me as a girl I know." Mike mulled over the option, before chuckling quietly to himself. "And trust me, Max isn't like most girls." He replied smiling to himself. Sarah's face twisted until she flashed her toothy smile again when Mike looked back at her. "I can see that. Which is I think why you should perhaps keep your distance — for a while of course." Mike felt his heart sink a little at the suggestion but his common sense was convincing him that it was the right thing to do. He squeezed his eyes shut, a thousands thoughts buzzing through his mind.

He opened them again, letting silence settle in his mind, with only one single thought running: He maybe should stay away from Max.

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