Chapter 6

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   The blade closes in on Shandians chest and Shandian moves his arms to cross them at his chest, but Shandians arms move faster then he suspected them to and smashes them together creating a thunderous boom in the air.

   The sound waves help Shandian a little by slowing the blade down a little. Shandian watches the blade smack into his chest and he flies backwards. As Shandian flies off the ring Maddi jumps at him and grabs one of his arms to help him land. Shandian looks at Maddi with a slight smile, "Thanks."

   Maddi nods back and the referee shakes his head and announces the winner, "Winner of this match is undicided. The match is a drew since both people left the ring before one hit the floor."

   By the time everyone heard the end of the announcment they were looking towards Maddi and Shandian. Maddi changes back into her grey robe from her battle suit.

   Shandian moves back to his spot from before and close his eyes to try and heal some of his injurys. Shandian heals the skin under the scar across his chest. As he heals the skin under it, it leaves a behind a slight scar across his chest.

   Shandian looks at the slight scar on his chest and gives a slight smile but it doesnt last long as someone walks up to him. "Im one of the Clan Heads servents and he wants to see you." The servent says with arrogance. The servents cultivation is higher then Shandians!

   The servent leads Shandian towards the Clan Heads throne which is the tallest one and is also in the middle of all of the thrones. As Shandian nears the Clan Heads throne he keeps his head down and when he gets in front of the Clan Heads throne he kneels down onto one knee.

   Unknowing to the other Elders the Clan Head is mentally talking to Shandian. "What is your beast heart?" Is the first thing the Clan Head mentioned when they started to talk mentally. Shandian has surprise in his mind because he, himself, has no idea.

   "Its a pure Lightning Phoenix. I dont know how it got there because I havent had a beast heart." Shandian answers backin pure honesty. The Clan Head smirks at Shandians responce because that is the same thing he said to his master right before he became his disciple, except he is a Lightning Dragon.

   "I have a Lightning Inheritance that might be compatiable with you. Do you want to see if it is? Remember that if it isnt it could kill you." The Clan Head says to Shandian.

   Shandian thinks about the risks and the benifits from it and decided, "Please instruct me." The Clan Head nods his head at Shandian and points his index finger towards Shandians head. A small beam of light with a intense aura around it.

   Since the Clan Head covered the beam of light and the aura no one realized that the Clan Head just gave the 'trash' a rare Inheritance. The beam slides inside of Shandians domain and rest right next to the Lightning Phoenix.

   The Phoenix opens one eyes at the Lightning Inheritance with bordom but as the phoenix sees the small but intense ball of lightning it instintly flies towards the ball and starts to circle it as it changes.

   What the Lightning Phoenix is doing is making the Lightning Inheritance more compatiable with Shandians body. Shandian takes his mind and watches for a couple of second in wonder but he quickly snaps put of it and says out loud to the Clan Head, "Thank you."

   While leaving the Elders near the Clan Head in confusion, even Elder Lin, Shandian moves back to his spot but someone was sitting near it. Maddi was sitting right next to where Shandian was sitting before the Clan Head sommoned him.

   "Youll get hatred for hanging with this trash." Shandian says as Maddi opens her eyes. She looks at him with an expression, like I really care. Shandian just shakes his head and sits in his normal spot, next to Maddi.

   The rest of the compitition continues since theres over three hundred competiters.

   The first thing Shandian does when he sits is puts his shirt on the second is pull his mind into his domain to look at his new Inheritance. What Shandian sees is something kinda weird because the Lightning Phoenix is sitting up on his cloud with an amusment look on it face and the ball of lightning changed, a lot.

   Instead of a ball of lightning sitting there, there are six different swords like the one he has, the Dragon Phoenix sword.

   The only thing that is different about them are the colors. The last one is white while the first one is a deep sea blue. These are the different stages of the Lightning Inheritance.

   Shandian walks towards a random one, stage three, and goes to grab the sword. The Lightning Phoenix that was sitting with an amusing look instintly charges in front of Shandian to stop him from grabbing the sword.

   "Why cant i grab this one?" Shandian askes the Lightning Phoenix but all it does is shake its head and points towards the deep sea colored one, stage one. Shandian nods his head and walks towards the stage one and grabs the sword as millions of lightning arcs fill the domain area around Shandian.

   As the lightning covers the area Shandians mind enters a rare mental state. From the phoenixs view Shandian is in the middle of a sea of lightning while from Shandians view things were totally different.

   All around Shandian are soilders wearing a deep sea blue warrior suit. "Protect what is ours! The Lightning God Clan will not back down from a fight!" A deep and loud voice says as the people around Shandian yell a war cry.

   Thats when Shandian sees them, the enemy, there are dressed in a blood red warrior suit. They were called the Blood God Clan and they have been at war with the Lightning God Clan since they have both been created.

   As the warriors around Shandian charge he stays were he is in confusion but everything stops moving and slowly turns grey. "Whats your name?" A voice says to Shandian and since Shandian didnt feel any hostility he didnt raise his guard at all. "My name is Shandian, Senior."

   Theres a moment of silence then, "Shandian isnt a bad name for a Lightning God prodigy. Do you know where you are right now?" The voice askes again. Shandian shakes his head at tthe voices question.

   A chuckle fills the air, "Your at the bloodiest war that two of the four God Clans had. This war is between the Lightning Clan and the Blood Clan, since your a descendent of the Lightning God Clan your fighting the Lightning Clans side."
Hello this is going to be the last one for this week. Ill be posting another on tuesday! Also i need two more characters!!!!

Till next time...

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