Chapter 7

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   Shandian watches the war start and soon he was joining in on the fighting. Shandian went after a total of three different people under Beginer level. The first person was someone with a long sword and a purple flame glowing around it.

   The purple flame didnt have really high heat but it does add a sharp edge to it. Shandian slams his foot down into the ground and sends shock waves towards emeny number one. He flies backwards away from Shandian as enemy number two shows up with number three, but these two work in sync.

   The first one of the the synconized pair has small fireballs in his hands while the second one is weaving a stream on water. The fire user throws a fireball at Shandian which he ducks but the second one whips his with the stream and hits Shandian across the face.

   As Shandian gets hit with the water whip everything turns blurry entil Shandian sees the ring while everyone is staring back at him. "Shandian get over here, now." The referee says to him as he sees Maddi in the ring. "Must be a rematch." Shandian whispers to himself.

   Shandian pushes himself up off of the ground and he walks towards the ring. He jumps up on the ring and pulls his sword out with it still in the case.

   "Lets go." Shandian says like hes half asleep. Half of Shandians mind is focusing on the Lightning Inheritance so that is why he looks half asleep.

   After being on the stage for about three seconds the other half of his mind switched thoughts to, what is lightning?

   As Shandian starts to make connections on his own the rematch between him and. Maddi starts again by sprinting at Shandian but Shandian didnt do what he did last time. This time he put his sword which is still in its case at his side and lightning arcs slowly start to leap off of his skin and into the air.

   Shandian looks at some of the lightning arcs and a smirk fills his face but Maddi had something he didnt, knowledge on how to use her skills.

   Maddi jumps into the air and spins as he bladed staff slices through the air. Shandian watches it and feels a pressure he didnt feel last time. "Im not the only one with a Inheritance." Shandian says to Maddi and Maddi hesitates when she hear that. That moment was all that Shandian needed.

   Shandian swings his sword in its case towards Maddis head and Maddi ducks under it. As Maddi ducks under the sword case Shandian flings out his foot towards Maddis shoulder and smackes her backwards.

   Maddi starts to fly backwards and Shandian disappears from his spot and reappears behind Maddi as she is flying towards him. Shandian places his sword on his back and pulls his right fist back as Maddi nears him.

   A small trace of lightning appears on his fist and he lets his fist fly towards Maddis head but something stops his fist, the side of the blade on Maddis bladed staff. The lightning that was contained in Shandians fist disappears and Maddi rights her body from the power of Shandians fist.

   Shandian throws his other fist in a hope that he will be able to do some damage. Maddi watches his desperate atempt to hit her and smiles as she side steps it.

   In frustration Shandian smashes his left foot down onto the ground, hard. A small shock wave erupts from Shandians foot and hits Maddis feet and sends a numb feeling through her body.

   Shandian sees his oppertunity and sends a round house kick at Maddi which she catches.

   Maddi pulls Shandians foot upwards and throws him backwards, and out of the ring onto his back. Shandian looks up onto the ring to see a unpleased look in Maddis eyes.

   "The winner is Madis Dong. That ends the begining rounds of the Clan Gathering. The final battles will start at dawn in three days." The referee says and everyone disperses. As everyone is going their own ways Shandian feels an anger in his stomach.

   Shandian smashes his right hand down onto the ground and a thunderous boom fills the air making everyone stop moving and look towards him laying on the ground.

   Without even paying attention to the others Shandian walks out of the temple and walks his way back towards town. Unknowing to Shandian, Elder Lin and the Clan Head are following him but they dont know about each other.

   Shandian reaches town and looks around for a blacksmiths shop and he found one less then thirty minutes into looking for one. Its name was 'Gods Armour' and it had a feeling around it that makes it feel like that place does forge armour for gods.

   Shandian enters the place and walks up to a servent, "May i see the Head Forger?" The servent looks at Shandian and surprises him by saying, "Sure, just hang on one second."

   The servent closes her eyes and then opens them with a surprised look on her face, "Follow me, the master has been looking forward to seeing you."

   Shandian, with the help of the servent, enters a room with armour lining the floor but they all had dents and scratches all over them. "Wait, isnt that Titous Iron?!" Shandian says with shock. Titous Iron is an iron that cant be dented by anyone under the God ranking!

   "You have a good eye, kid. What can i do for you?" A deep but ruggy voice says as a burly man with white hair walks in. Shandian looks at him and says, "Ive came for s-some armour, sir."

   With some studdering Shandian says what he needs. The burly man looks at Shandian as a thought crosses his mind, why does this twig need armour he isnt getting into any battles yet. "I dont sell to tinker bells. Get lose kid." The man says as he starts to walk out of the room.

   In a panic Shandian shouts, "Wait!" The word thunders through the room and a force field appears around the man and surprise fills his eyes.
Here you go guys! Hello, so i have one character i need one more! I hope you want to be in this world with me! Also who is this white haired burly man?

Till next time...

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