miss america

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finns pov. 

im leaving you again. sorry. 


gotta go, make some cash for ya, bye!

hell no.

my dear norah, 

it has been apparent to me that you dont want this to happen. me...leaving you again. but i must, my love!-

oh my god, no. 

i sighed once again, throwing my seventh piece of crumbled paper in the garbage can. i then roughly raked my fingers through my thick hair as i let out another long sigh. then, i picked up my pen again and pulled out a clear sheet of paper again. 


my beautiful, beautiful norah. your stubbornness is doing nothing for either of us. be strong and dont think about the what ifs. and please, dont ever forget how much your love for me means. so, no matter what happens in these next few weeks...i will always love you. and as soon as i get back, i promise to give you the life you deserve. 



i thought to myself just as i finished signing her name on the front of the folded paper. and like clock work, i hear a series of knocks coming from my office door. "come in." i announced, turning around in my leather chair. moments later, jack stepped in, offering me a pity smile. "uh...you ready?" he asked me. i nodded my head without actually saying anything. 

and like the wind, we were out the house and into jack's car. he drove me to norah's house, so i could sneak in and drop off her letter. i was just gonna knock on the door but i decided against it and used the window. even though, i constantly remind her to lock her window, in this case, im very glad she didnt listen to me. 

so, i crawled in, soundlessly, being sure to make my movements, inaudible. up until i made it to her side of the bed and took a seat right next to her. 

and ignoring every urge in my body, i lifted my hand and placed in on my head, massaging it, as i usually did. and almost immediately, she grinned, angelically, making my heart hurt. she was just so beautiful, i couldnt believe someone so astonishing could exist.

her sleeping face showed pure innocence. the peaceful and calm dreams blocking out the dangers of the outside. the soft breathes that left her rosy lips somehow made the world seem at peace again. 

then, i retrieved my hand back to my side before i stayed her all night, and glanced down at the folded piece of paper in my hand. and looked the cursive name inked in cursive on the front of it.


i grazed my finger over the writing one last time before setting down the paper on the dark night stand that sat next to norah's bed. then, i stood up from her bedside and leaned down to more her hair from her face so i could plant a fragile kiss on her soft skin.

the sudden contact of my skin on hers caused her to grin, once again. but i knew if i watched her any longer, id never leave. so, i shut my eyes tightly before standing up again and leaving her, alone. 

norah's pov. 

the smell of turkey bacon and sriracha filled my nostrils that still morning. i knew it was paul making breakfast because he was the only person i knew that loved sriracha on their eggs as much as i did. but, even with the smell of my favorite sauce, i still felt empty. i knew finn wasnt going to be here when i woke up but, that still didnt stop me from hoping. 

i sat up, stretching my body out as i yawned. and just as i threw my legs over the side of my bed, i was met with a folded piece of paper, sat delicately on my night stand with my name written on it. i knew finn wrote it because he had beautiful hand writing and very rarely wrote in anything but cursive. 

i was hesitant at first to pick it up but, i did it nonetheless. and just as fast as i picked it up, i opened and read it. it was short but meaningful and somehow, made my vision go blurry due to after effect the tears did to my eyes. 

i hated him more than ever for risking his life, once again, for me. but, i couldnt deny the undying love i had for him either. im certain that this will be the never-ending cycle of us. him risking his life for me. and someday, me doing the same for him. hopefully, i live to see that da-

"hey, kid! i know youre up because i can hear your stomach barking! come down and eat this luxurious meal i made!" paul yelled from the kitchen, making my frown fade and a smile to arise, abruptly. 

"coming!" i yelled back, before hiding the note under my pillow, and heading downstairs. once i made it down, i was greeted with a warm hug and kiss on the head from paul. "mornin', kid." he greeted me. "mornin'." i said, before taking a seat in my regular. 

"so," paul started, sitting across from me on the far side of the table. "how'd you sleep?" he asked. "...fine. you?" i asked back, making no contact with him at all. all i could think about right now was the letter finn left me and his safety from now on. 

what if he got hurt again? or died? or..killed someone else? oh, who am i kidding? hes definitely going to kill someone else. its his job after all...

"i mean, Bonnie and Clyde killed people too..." paul suddenly said, soon making me realize that ive been thinking aloud again. i quickly lifted my head up to see paul smirking at me, hoping to get some kind of positive reaction out of me but..nothing. so, he sighed. "...finn...finn is a strong boy, alright? he's been through things like this all the time. just this time...he's doing it for a meaningful reason...for you, norah." he told me. 

"but, Bonnie and Clyde died together. even though it was a brutal death, it was still beautiful. what if finn and i have to die separately? will we still be your Bonnie and Clyde, paul?"i asked him, quietly. "youre not going to die norah." he interrupted, knowing i was referring to the present rather than later on in life. "but, what if!" i yelled, just now noticing the tears streaming down my rosy cheeks. 

he stayed silent. 

suddenly, my appetite was gone and so was my interest in continuing on this conversation. so, i stood up and looked over at paul. "if you need me, ill be drowning in my own tears upstairs." i told him before leaving the table and retreating back to my room. 

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