dark red

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finns pov. 

the motorcycle drove at nearly one-hundred miles per hour, jack riding about the same speed on his car, not too far apart from me. ahead of us was the truck we were supposed to hijacked. it was large and white. to anyone else, they'd see it as a normal tractor trailer. but, it wasnt. because whats inside that truck, determines whether i live or die. 

keeping that in mind, i reverted my face back to a steady straight face the moment after, getting the okay from jack. 

so, when the truck became a little light in the distance, i nodded to jack, getting the same nod in return. he then opened the car door, setting a brick on the gas pedal, and rolling out of the car seconds later. 

not even a minute goes by and the car crashed into a tree, completely demolishing the front of the vehicle. i soon pulled up my motorcycle and sat it in the middle of the road, tilted on its side. then, i hid in the bushes as jack got into his place, back into the damaged vehicle. 

about a minute or so passes before the tractor trailer pulls up and makes an abrupt stop, seeing the scene before it. the staged accident clearly got his attention but now, all i need is for him to get out the damn car. i thought to myself as i gripped the silver knife in my shaking hand. im used to handling guns but i know inside the truck was a recording camera to make sure nothing goes wrong. so, the gun would already expose me and the entire plan. 

eventually, the man with the baseball cap exited the truck and looked over at the car and jack who is currently pretending to be both injured and unconscious. he hesitated at first before going back to the truck and grabbing what looked like a first aid kit but i was too far to be sure. 

after taking many hesitant steps towards the car, he finally stopped in the middle of the road, set the first aid kit on the ground, opened it and pulled out a hidden machine gun. my eyes widened the second he raised the gun up to the car that jack was in and in immediately whisper-yelled into the mic that he has to get out but the connection was complete shit. 

and like clock work, as soon as the i moved a single muscle, the man with the baseball hat started mindlessly shooting away at the car. luckily, the bullets gave me an opportunity to come out from the bushes, behind the man and hit hi over the head with a big rock i got from behind the bush. he instantly feel to the ground but i didnt mind him, i needed to check on jack. 

so, making him my top priority, i ran to the car and discovered that jack was able to dodge the bullets and we laughed it off. but the moment didnt last long because soon, i had to retrieve back to the man to get his keys and baseball cap. 

jack then took out one of his hunting knives and stabbed the man in the forehead, ending it all while we still had time. once the messy work was over, i put it on the baseball cap, tucking some of my hair under it. then i cleared his pockets for any other valuables before i gave jack another nod and entered the tractor trailer, adjusting my hat first. 

once i sat comfortably in the truck's seat, without showing my face, i gave a thumbs up to the camera sat up right above me. then, i started driving as if there was nothing going on. the ride continued on for just about ten minutes or so before i noticed another truck come up from the darkness behind me. i chose to ignore it, up until it started riding my ass. 

and just when i thought it couldnt get worse, the driver rode up beside me and started shoving me into the side of the road. i tried shoving them back but their truck was stronger. but, i stopped suddenly, hoping that would throw off the driver but, they did the same thing. almost as if they knew id do that. 

i gripped the steering wheel so hard, my knuckles turned white. but, it was no use. the truck only needed one more push before my truck flipped over and everything went black. 

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