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Louis had said it more than once, and so far he hadn't changed his mind, so he was going to say it again: being a mum was boring.

He loved Julian to pieces, and he loved spending time with him, so that wasn't the problem, the problem was that he couldn't do anything fun with him.

And it got even worse when Harry was away flying; at least when his boyfriend was home they could go on dates, and at night, when Julian was sleep, Louis would sneak into Harry's room and they would have pretty fun nights together.

But that day was one of the boring days: Harry was away, Liam was at work, and so was Niall, his mum was out of town on vacation with her husband, and so Louis was alone with the baby all day, feeding him, changing him, playing with him... the usual boring things.

"I wish you could at least talk" Louis told Julian as he shook a colorful rattle in front of him, which Julian tried to grab "Then we could at least have conversations".

Louis smiled at Julian's determination to grab the toy; at a little over 4 months old he was getting more and more alert every day, and he was grabbing stuff and bringing them to his mouth, which was exactly what he did with the toy when Louis finally gave it to him.

"Is it yummy?" Louis asked him.

Julian was chewing on the toy while looking at his mum with his eyes wide open.

He was such a pretty baby, and not only Louis thought so, every person who saw him, even strangers, always commented on how beautiful he was; he had a small cute nose, his eyes were now the exact same light green as his Brazilian father, and although his skin tone wasn't as tan as his dad's, it still had a very pretty sun kissed tone, and it made a beautiful contrast with his eyes.

Louis kissed the baby's forehead, and left him sitting on his bouncer in the living room, while he went to clean. Harry was coming back home tomorrow, and he didn't want him to come back to a too messy flat and have to clean it after a long and tiring flight.

And Louis decided he needed to start with the messiest room of all, which was his room; it had his and nd Julian's stuff scattered everywhere, so it definitely needed cleaning and tidying.

But as he was putting all the dirty clothes he could find in the laundry basket, he heard Julian crying, so he had to stop doing what he was doing, and go see what was going on with his son.

"What happened, Jules?" Louis asked as he approached him, and saw the toy he had been chewing on, on the floor, and he guessed that was the reason for the tears, so he went to pick it up, and when he gave it back to Julian, he realized there was another problem as well "Oh, and you also pooped, let's change you".

Louis took Julian from the bouncer while he was holding his toy again, and brought him to his room, set him down on the changing table, and unbuttoned his little baby pants to be able to change his nappy.

Changing nappies was by the far what Louis hated the most about being a mum, and he knew it was wrong because Julian was his baby and his responsibility, but nowadays when Harry or even Liam offered to change Julian he would allow them right away.

But he was alone now, so he changed the nappy himself, and when he was done, he put the little pants back on Julian, and quickly washed his hands with hand sanitizer.

"Alright, we're done... or not, how did your sock get poop, Jules?" Louis asked scrunching his nose as he took the little light blue socks from Julian's feet "I'll get you new ones".

Louis left Julian on the changing table, and went to the closet to find new socks for the baby, and he had just found a pair of clean white socks, when he heard a loud thump.

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