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Harry closed the door, and ran downstairs fast, needing to get away from that flat, from that kiss... from Louis.

Once he was a block away, he stopped running, but he kept on walking fast, but he had no idea where he was going.

As far as he knew there were 3 places he could go to.

The first, was Dominic's flat; of course that was an option, he was his boyfriend, and he loved him, but he had cheated on him, and he needed to confess, and beg for forgiveness.

But he couldn't go there, not now, not when everything was so fresh.

The second option was going gome to his mum, but he knew he couldn't go there, because she was going to yell at him if he told her what he did, especially considering how much she liked Dominic, she was always saying how great he was and how happy she was Harry found him.

The third option was Gemma's house, and although he wasn't sure what his sister would say about the whole thing, she was by far the best option, because he knew he could at least trust her with what he did, unlike some of his friends, who he wasn't sure they could keep the secret.

So Harry stopped walking, took out his phone, and got an Uber, not being in the mood to deal with the subway in this precise moment, he already felt like he was suffocating, he couldn't take any more of it.

The Uber picked him up 5 minutes later, and took him straight to Gemma's place, but it took another 20 minutes to get there.

When he finally arrived, he got off the car and saw Gemma was unloading groceries from her own car in the driveway, and had Zoey with her, who seemed to be begging for something, and Gemma was shaking her head.

"Zoey!" Harry called, needing a hug from his little niece.

Zoey turned to look in his direction, and grinned when she saw him, which filled Harry's heart completely.

"Uncle Hazzy!" Zoey exclaimed, and ran across the driveway to get to him.

"Hi, baby Zo" Harry said as he scooped her up in his arms, and gave her kisses on her cheek "I've missed you".

Zoey didn't say anything back, she just hugged his neck tightly, which was enough to make all the edge Harry had been feeling to fade away, and that's exactly what he needed.

"Hey, Gem" Harry greeted his sister, walking up to her "Let me help you with those bags".

"Thanks, love" Gemma smiled, not even asking what Harry was doing there, he came around enough for her to find it normal.

Harry grabbed the heavier reusable bags from the trunk of the car, and took them inside of the house while he was still holding Zoey with one arm, there was no way he was letting go of her, she had a calming effect on him.

Then he went back outside to grab more bags, picked up the 2 that were left, and closed the trunk of the car, going back inside the house, Zoey still with him.

"These are the last ones" Harry announced as he left them on the kitchen counter, where Gemma was already putting things away.

"Can you get my purse from the car and lock the car?" Gemma asked, offering the car keys.

"Sure" Harry said, and walked out of the kitchen with Zoey still clinging to his neck "Let's go get mummy's purse, Zo".

"O-kay" Zoey nodded, and Harry couldn't help but kiss her cheek, she was so adorable.

They went outside once again, and Harry opened the passenger's door to get Gemma's purse from the seat, and had just gotten it, when a black car pulled over right behind Gemma's.

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