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       Once Professor Dyson dismissed everyone from breakfast, the whole school was buzzing with excitement from the announcement. Everyone was talking about the Triwizard competition. The four champions: Iris Faith, Angelica Kelly, Angelo Kelly and Casey Robinson were all packing. They were to leave early the next morning, as it was a long journey to Hogwarts.

Iris rushed up to her dorm room and started packing a few of her belongings. She needed some peace and quite and thank goodness her room had that. Since she was professor Dyson's private assistant, (she was a real good one too, always doing her jobs right. Unsurprisingly though, she was a very bright witch.) she got her very own room near his and thankfully far away from all the other nosy, gossipy and annoying girls.

She waved her hand in the air a few times and said an unspoken spell. Immediately clothes and books started flying out of her wardrobe and drawers and into her large trunk which she had laid ontop of her bed. The clothes neatly folded themselves into the trunk and her books lay ontop of the clothes. After that was done, she rushed to her small dressing table and picked up a few of her possessions including: her mothers comb, a few hair ties some make-up (since she grew up in a muggle family, she did many muggle things and didn't drop a few even after she found out she was a witch) and her most priced and precious possesion, a special locket,that can only be opened by her and her real parents(although she doesn't know who they are. Not yet.) strung onto a beautiful golden chain.

Hidden within the locket were just five words, the five most important words of her life, We'll love you forever Iris. That's all it said. But she knew, one day, those words will make sense, and one day she'll live to those words.

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