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When the others came back from searching for a place to learn, Iris was already sound asleep in her bed in the dormitory. Unfortunately, she was woken up by Angelica's loud door slam.

As Angelica saw that Iris was suddenly awake "Sorry sleeping beauty."

"It's alright, Angelica." Iris said ignoring her sarcasm. "Where did you guys go just now?"

"Hmph! Thanks for asking. We went to help Professor Dyson search for a place for our lessons to be held." Angelica groaned.

    "Oh...Did you guys find a place?" Iris asked.

    "Yes. Just the Forbidden Forest." Angelica said.

    "Oh...Wow that sounds amazing."Iris said sarcastically.

"Lessons start tomorrow. Anyways what did Professor Dumbledore want to talk with you about?"

"Oh, ummmm, he just wanted to clarify something with me..."

"What was it?"

"I-oh well- he just uhhhh, he wanted to ask me if I knew the person in the photo he showed me."

"Did you?"

"I-ummm.... No." Iris decided she wasn't going to tell anyone professor Dumbledore was her long last father. Nobody apart from Professor Dyson, her muggle parents and her real parents knew she was even adopted. And she wanted to keep it that way, for the time being.

"So why did you take so long?" Angelica asked curiously.

"I don't know. Can you stop questioning me? I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight Angelica."

"But you haven't even eaten.."

Iris just ignored her. She was exhausted. But she knew very well that she would be much too busy thinking too sleep.


The five of them walked down for their first lesson early morning. Angelica and Angelo were arguing about why they still had to have lessons and Casey just walked quitely behind them, still half asleep. Iris helped Professor Dyson carry a few books and she read the title:


"Cool are we learning about patronus?"

"Yes indeed,Iris." He said.

When they reached to a part of the forest, professor Dyson conjured a few desks and told them to go sit down. Naturally, the twins sat next to each other and Casey sat next to Iris.
Iris knew it was an interesting subject but she was just too excited to talk to Professor Dumbledore a.k.a. her long lost father.

Finally the class ended and Iris quickly packed her things and ran off to on lunch.All the others watched her curiously.

"Why is she in such a rush?" Casey asked.

"How would I know." Angelo replied.

The second Iris reached the dining hall she immediately wished she didn't run. She didn't know where to sit. She turned back around when she bumped into someone.

"O-oh I am so so sorry..." Iris stuttered.

"It's fine" The young girl with long blonde locks said with a beautiful melodic voice. "I should watch before I walk too... There could be a nargles if I'm not careful."

"Oh ummm.... Yeah.." She wasn't so sure what a nargle was and she didn't really want to find out.

"I haven't seen you before. Are you from the visiting school?" She asked sing-songly.

Yes. I am."

"Interesting. I heard that school has a lot of quormies."


"It's a special kind of invisible dust."


"Where are you going to sit?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Want to join me?"

"S-sure!"Iris said uncertainty.

The blond haired girl led her to the Ravenclaw table and sat down.

"Your from Ravenclaw too?!"

"Yes. But, too?Hmm...I thought you were from the Institute..." She said with her head tilted side ways.

"Well, I am. But if I were in Hogwarts I would have been placed in Ravenclaw. We got sorted,for some unknown reason yesterday, by the sorting hat." Iris kindly replied her.

There sat in silence for a while.

"Oh!How rude am I? I haven't even asked for your name..."

"Iris. Iris J-Jackson." She wasn't ready yet.Not just yet.

"Well hello Iris," She smiled "My name is Luna Lovegood."

   They talked and talked like old friends,but of course they haven't forgotten to eat lunch.

  Once Iris finished eating her lunch she told Hager new friend,Luna "It was very nice meeting you Luna. But I've got to go somewhere now. Bye. I hope to see you again."

"Sure.I never really have close friends before,but I hope we can be close friends,Iris." Luna said dreamily.

Iris blushed and gave Luna one last smile and sped of to Professor Dumbledore's office.

Hope y'all like it!!

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