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       A few of the head girls and head boys led them up to their rooms. They were to sleep in a few of the spare rooms on the third floor. Since there were only three bedrooms with a decent amount of space and a clean enough bed, Iris had to share with Angelica meaning that Angelo was sharing with Casey. Professor Dyson got his own room next to theirs.

  Iris was about to walk into her room but she suddenly remembered that she still had the professors book. She quickly turned around to go to his room but had realized it was shut. She had considered knocking but she didn't want to disturb him. So she just took it with her, into her slightly dusty but clean-enough room.

After they unpacked their belongings they got bored. Iris took out one of her books and started reading. But unlike Iris, Angelica wasn't prepared to be 'bored and have absolutely nothing to do' and didn't bring something to entertain herself.

"Ugh.I didn't expect it to be this boring for us, Iris." She complained.

"By us you must mean just you right? Because I am not exactly 'bored' right now. This book is soo amazing! Do you want to know what it's about?" Iris answered cheerfully.

"NO." Angelica answered quickly. But under her breath she moaned "Ugh, another bookworm."

"What was that?"

"Uhhh, well- do you think we should call the boys in to have some fun?" She asked her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Whatever." Iris groaned. All she even wanted to do was read her book. She flopped down onto the bed and stuffed her face into the book. But when she heard the door close, she groaned again but this time much louder. Two talkative boys and a flirty girl weren't the best company when you wanted some peace and quite to enjoy an interesting book. She decided to just shut the book up, knowing she wouldn't be able to get any reading done in about,


The door opened and Angelica skipped in. Behind her were Casey and Angelo who just stood there for awhile observing the room.

"Ayy, why does your room look bigger than ours?" Angelo asked sounding annoyed.

" 'Cause we're bet-ter." Angelica replied, singing the last part, whilst sticking her tongue out at her brother who stuck his out back at her.

Iris shook her head but couldn't stop herself from smiling abit. She never did know how it felt to have someone so close to you, a someone who loved you so, so much, a someone who would die for you. But she knew (by the way the twins were acting) it was such a good feeling.

Iris had realized Casey was still standing there and she motioned at one of the love seats next to her bed, and he quickly sped of to it and sat. They turned back towards the twins, who were arguing about something, it sounded like they were talking about hairy feet, no one knew. Iris turned back to Casey and rolled her eyes. He gave a corresponding chuckle.

"So, you like this place I presume?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, I mean it's a pretty cool place. There was a 50% chance of me coming to this school instead of the Institute actually.."

"Wait what? Why'd you choose the Institute? I mean it's a cool place but why?" Casey asked looking confused.

First Person POV

I didn't mind at all though. Sometimes I wonder myself why I chose the Institute. I used to have dreams... Nightmares... I was at Hogwarts strolling across the halls admiring the moving pictures. I started talking to one, when suddenly I heard some shuffling from behind me, I whipped my head around and saw something blur. I wasn't sure what was it... I just remember it stood there looking at me. And that 'thing' made me realize my whole life was a big lie... I didn't want to think that dream was what made me choose the Institute. Dreams. Bah. Who was going to believe me? Nobody, I thought. Forget the dreams Iris. Y-you chose the Institute b-because it has a.... AN AMAZING TRANSPORTATION! That's it. That's why.

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