Chapter 1

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I glare up at the bed, the purple and blue blanket and sheets mock me from my place on the floor. I glance at the clock, I slam my hand on it to shut up the constant beeping. I groan, six o'clock and it's only Thursday. Regretting my life choices I stand and look around my room for my robe considering its cold as fuck. My room is fairly large with a carpeted space in the middle, my wardrobe in the right-hand corner, my bed in front of that and my desk and shelving on the other side of the room.

My room would probably look better if it didn't have books, manga, clothes and food wrappers everywhere. I spot my robe hanging off one of my shelves and jump over my mountains and grab it snuggling in deeply before leaving the room. With my black cat Kuro following behind me, walking down the hallway passing the bathroom and guest bedroom, I pass Tigre our tabby kitty. Walking into the living room I turn to the left into the dining room and immediately open the fridge to look in.

I pull out the box of pizza from dinner last night and look at the note left on top, 'Morning, I'm guessing you'll be having this for breakfast so before you go to school please feed the cats and do your homework, love Mum.' I shrug, tossing the last two pieces in the microwave and ripping up the box to put in the bin, I go to feed the three cats that we own. Neva, our white and completely fluffy cat winds around my ankles.

Like my Mum, I have her short build, curly frizzy hair, and pale skin. But my colouring comes from my Dad, dark red hair and dark blue eyes, my Grandma also says I look a lot like him. After feeding my kitties I yawn and began to brush my waist length hair.

The microwave beeps and I grab out the pizza and eat it quickly, I'm fairly skinny but with as much food as I put away I've put on weight recently but it doesn't really matter to me. Being alone in the house again I can't help but think of Mum, she's raised me alone since I was two which was when my Dad left her only to die in a car accident six years later. She's a cop, she has a library across from her bedroom, her own bathroom attached and across from her bathroom is the office where she usually spends her days unless she's called in for a case.

Leaning back I stretch and head to my own bathroom for a quick shower. Tossing off my sleep shorts and sports bra, I step in the shower. Despite the fact it's the middle of winter I still sleep in a minimal amount of clothes because I'm someone who moves around a lot when they sleep, I mean I can go to sleep fine but in the morning the blankets end up wrapped and tossed around me. Shaking my head I finish quickly and rush to my room in a towel to change. My school doesn't have a uniform because we're in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a forest so there really isn't any point.

Pulling on a black long sleeve knit shirt, I put my fake white fur vest on top and pull on my black fingerless gloves. Then I jump into a pair of jeans and put on my black high tops. I plait my hair and sit at my desk to do last minute homework which is due today and was given out last week. Well, procrastination is one of my skills, finishing that quickly I glance at the clock to see that I'm going to be late if I don't leave about now.

"Shit!" I yell.

Grabbing my bag I sling it over my shoulder and rush out of my room, I give Kuro a scratch on the head and race out the front door and jog down the street. I live on a deserted street with only one neighbour who happens to be my grandma, we live in the only houses on the forest path. I run at full speed to the end of the path which takes five minutes, and I stop in front of my best friend Lilith. She smiles at me, her dark brown wavy hair has been tugged into a messy bun but is fighting for freedom with little strands escaping.

"Hey, Alex." She says as her icy blue eyes sparkle in the morning light.

"Hey... Lil." I puff out.

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