Chapter 24

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After our talk last night Fang and I headed back to bed, he smiled at me and I lay awake for a few hours stewing over what he'd told me. Thinking back on it as well, Fang wasn't the only one who knew more than he should have, how does Envy know those things. I think I need to have a chat with him today, I absent-mindedly pick at the bacon on my plate.

"Alex are you alright?" Eve asks from across the table.

I pick up my head, "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm alright I just woke up in the middle of the night and after that, it took a while to get back to sleep."

"Oh so that was you walking around last night, I thought it was Fang sleepwalking again," Liam added.

With that Fang shuffles in from upstairs and plops into the empty seat beside me and Eve gets up to grab him a plate. He yawns and rubs his eyes tiredly, I've never noticed before but Fang has bags under his eyes.

"Morning," he mumbles as a plate of bacon and eggs are placed in front of him.

"Everyone will be heading out to see if we can find a trail in a few minutes," Liam says looking at Envy.

In reply, he nods and asks, "Who's staying behind?"

"Adrian will be for today and Lilith will be staying as well," Eve speaks this time.

"Alright sounds good." He says finishing his plate.

I push mine away and get up to get the door, Liam asks me what I'm doing but I open the door just as Lilith moves to ring the doorbell. She smirks at me and I move aside so she can walk in, I close the door and walk to the table and grab mine and Envy's plates before heading into the kitchen. I rinse and clean off our plates and put them aside, everyone chats in the dining room, despite the fact everyone's tense about this situation, they still smile.

I hum and move to head upstairs to change, I had a shower before going down to breakfast and stepping under that warm water had never felt so amazing. I hear the door open as I reach the top of the stairs, I look down and see Adrian and Lisanna come in through the door. Both of them smile and wave up at me before heading into the lounge room.

I walk into the hallway, the carpet is a tan colour and heading down the right hallway is a bathroom, Envy's room, Eve & Liam's room, Fang's room, Logan's room and my own room. In the other hallway is the guest bedrooms and the office, I've never been in the office. I shrug and push open my dark grey painted door and step into the room, my room has deep red painted walls, it doesn't have a window but instead a vent in the very left-hand corner near the ceiling. I have a chest at the end of my bed, a large wardrobe on the right side of the room, a mirror just beside that and all over the room are my boxes since I haven't had time to unpack all my things.

I walk over to one of the open boxes which spills some of my clothes onto the light grey carpet. I dig through it and pull out a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top, to top it off I grab a red and black flannel. Stepping out of the robe I quickly change into my clothes and toss the robe on top of the desk that sits in the left corner next to the door. I leave the flannel unbuttoned and I roll up the sleeves and head back downstairs, getting to the bottom of the stairs I look around and it seems that everyone's left.

I walk into the lounge room to see Fang and Lilith sitting on the couch watching a movie, Lisanna sits against the wall playing on her phone. Adrian stands by the bookcase which rests just beside the TV. He glances behind him and sees me, remembering that I need to talk to him. I jerk my head to the back door and he nods, I walk outside and I hear him saying something to them, he walks out a second later and sits next to me. I sit in the same spot I did last night but Adrian sits on the other side of me and instead of leaning back I rest my elbows on my knees and hunch over a little.

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