Author's Note (Discontinuing)

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So hi...

Honestly I doubt that anyone will care about this or read this (Because the statistics show that everyone drops this book at like chapter 13)... But either way I'm gonna do what I want and I want to write this word vomit because and can and you never know someone (one) might care, so here it is.

Anyway, so as it says this is discontinuing, not this book, Bitten Witch is completely finished, it was fully written before I started posting. But originally this was suppose to be a trilogy with two more books after this one (Because yes, that's how trilogies work). 

I wrote this book two-three years ago while I was still in school. I'm actually proud of it, it's the first story I ever actually finished (Let's not mention the many books I've started and scarped, I swear I'll look into that folder again one day). Even if i went back and changed it a few times.

But that's just it isn't it. It's the FIRST story that I ever actually completed and honestly it isn't that bad but (Or maybe it is if the stats are any thing to go off)... But it has issues, like me (This isn't about you). My writing or at least i like to think, my writing has greatly improved. I certainly think I'm better at writing in general but more than that, i think I've improved on creating characters that people can connect to and I hope that I've gotten better with inserting humor, which is surprising hard or at least for me it.

This story on it's own though; many issues. 

It's full of cliches, which at this point is hard to avoid. Honestly it feels hard to have something completely original in a world that seems to have already done everything. I know it can be done but oh God that shit's hard.

My god, the plot holes, what was I thinking. There's so many things just thrown in and they aren't fit in nicely either. It's a mess, it jumps from one thing to another and never really wraps things up.

Also the characters... Hahahahahaa... Yeah, uh, I don't even know what Envy's personality is. I'm so sorry my boy, I did you dirty.

I could probably go on and on, I have issues don't worry I know. Anyway lots of things wrong with and you know probably some good things and like i said no matter what I am proud of this story. However after really thinking on, I decided to discontinue it. It's too much of a mess. 

In case you were wonder (Who was wondering you dumb-ass? Don't sass me... me) anyway if you were wondering what was going to happen next, have this really really bad plot line of the stories.

Second Book: Witch Blood.

- Alex joins the Vampire resistance essentially (Real original Shannah... SHHHH I like resistances okay, stick it to the man!) in order to take down the Vampire King {Aka...Her Uncle... Still super orginal... I said shush}. 

- Honestly not sure what I was gonna do in the middle, it kind of needed it but never thought it out. Fun training Montage. More stupid antics and bullshit. Probably, anyway.

- They defeat the evil vampire king, yay, but she dies at the hands of the even more evil Council. Meaning she actually dies and not in a way that someone holds her body and cries and she's alright as in she ded. Yeah. I was gonna do that. But don't worry... I think.

Third Book: Blood War.

- Alex wakes up in the Witches afterlife with her soul and body, *le gasp* it's not over.

- But due to actually being dead, Envy and the others that love her somehow rally the supernaturals to start an actual war. Which honestly just needed a spark, it was coming. No one in this book has they're shit together, including me. But of course this global war kinda outs the supernatural community to humans and more chaos ensures. Yay.

- SOmehOw Alex gets back to earth and now she's gotta deal with this war. How fun.

-So the book pretty much focusing on the war, Alex's part? not a clue. Don't ask questions, i don't like looking stupid. 

-The story ends with the war over and things starting to calm down. People are sorting their shit, including the humans, ugh humans. Alex goes back home and lives out her days with Envy and the pack and completely forgets the other parts of her being that I decided a whole chapter to her accepting. But the very last part of the story. I intended for Fang to tell Alex she was pregnant (Even though she wasn't but it's in the future) and she faints. End of trilogy. Yay!

Honestly what was I thinking, why did no one talk me out of this. Obviously my family and friends did not care about me enough to enough to inform. I mostly blame you for this though Skye (@littleme188).

Also did I ever mention that Fang was an Oracle that why he was such a weird bean. I love Fang, he's seen lots of shit, past, present, future. Yeah, he's seen all the shit, including my bullshit but he still doesn't call me out on it because he's a sweet bean.

You know this was kind of a mess but guess what so is my brain. Like actually my brain, I have issues yes I know, I've gone to therapy, not my thing, but I am working on them. (No one cares still you twit... There's no need for name calling but if there was your game is weak) Yay!

But guess what, this was all really just to say that I'm rebooting this story and instead of a Trilogy I'm writing a one-shot that hopefully is funny and entertaining and for gods sake semi-cohesive. I may also be planning it to be a one shot so that I can set it up for a different series featuring a disaster Bi vampire but who knows!

Don't expect much. 

(Stop doubting yourself so much. Bad Shannah... Fuck off your not my Mum!)

Anyway thanks for reading and maybe I'll see you soon. Thanks again! 


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