Chapter 23

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We arrived at Disney, and I was practically jumping in excitement. Jungkook knows that this has been a dream of mine since I was a kid and saw the beautiful lights. 

It was overwhelming, but only now have I realized that the brightest light here, was my fiance. 

He was smiling, paying for our passes and buying me a Mickey Mouse hat and I couldn't help but notice that he was glowing. 

"Why are you so happy? This was more my dream you know." 

"Because my baby is happy, and that's all I could ever ask for." He beamed. 

We spent time at Disney. We rode in teacups, and tried just about every ride there was. I met Mickey, and we even bought some extra souvenirs! I bought him a Disney shirt, and he bought me the Mickey key chain I always wanted. It was a lot of fun, but sadly, we must leave now to get to bed on time. If I am being honest, I was sleepy and he noticed. 

"Let's go home babes." He said, smiling still as the journey came to a close. 

"I have to go to the bathroom, wait for me?" I asked. He nodded and stood by the exit. 

As I walked to the bathroom, I saw someone. Not just anyone, but him....

He looked me in the eyes with his dark eyes and started to stride for me, and I ran to the bathroom. I could hear him running behind me, but none of that mattered now. I needed to get Kookie, but the bathroom was closer. 

I slammed the stall door shut and locked it, standing on the toilet to keep my body hidden. Why was my ex here? Not only that, why did it have to be that one...

My mind started to remember the last time I encountered the look in his eyes... (A/N: This is really dark so I'm going to leave a warning, and when it's not as dark I'll write another note. Read at your own risk, I even had a hard time typing it.) 

"I'm going to show you a good time, my baby" he smirked and began kissing my neck, tears were beginning to form in the corners of my eyes. 

"Liam, please stop..." I asked shakily, "Yo-you're drunk..." I hiccuped. 

"No I am not. Stupid bitch, just let me show you what a good lover I am." He continued and I started to wriggle underneath him. He did this often, drinking and then trying to get something out of me. Normally, I would end up scratched and bruised in the end, and not in the way that anyone would think. 

"I said STOP!"  I yelled, shocking him until he slapped me full-force. 

"You fucking prude. You're so stupid! Why the hell am I even with you?! I'll show you-"

The last thing I saw was him landing across the room, slumped against the wall before I was picked up by my savior and carried somewhere safe.

Jungkook saved me that day. All I can do now is bite back any noises now and pray that he can do it again. I pulled my phone out to text him, but it had no battery. It died from all the pictures we took. Great. 

"Oh Jimin baby~" He cooed, trying to get me out of the stall. "I want to finish what I started the last time we met pretty boy..." He started beating on my locked stall, thank god it didn't budge. He grumbled and walked away. 

That easy? I sighed in relief, climbing down from the toilet, but still uncomfortable, I unlocked the door. That was when it swung open forcefully and I screamed. 

"You thought you could get away, didn't you baby boy?" He smirked as I backed up to a wall near the door, and he blocked my way. 

"You will feel sorry." He pushed me back, pinning me to the wall behind me hard enough to hurt, and his hands began to roam all over me. 

"No, you won't," I pushed. "Jungkook! Help!!" I screamed out. 

"Awe, poor baby, you think he can save you like he did before. I don't think he will find you in time. I began to cry helplessly. 

"Good boy." He smiled and was sliding off my shirt as the bathroom door busted open. 

"Liam." Jungkook snarled. 

"Oh, you missed me." Liam said, still holding my hips. 

"Let my fiance go." He said, trying to be kind but I could feel his blood boiling. 

"Make me, pretty boy." He said, removing my shirt completely and kissing at my bare skin. 

(A/N: Dark scene over)

"Jungkook..." I whimpered, tears now cascading my face. He came near us and kicked Liam in the back of his head, where he knew it would make him pass out. He then picked my shirt up off of the clean tile and put it back on me, picking me up and carrying me out. I clung to him for dear life as we left the place, of course calling the police to the scene before we exited. 

"Baby, are you okay?" Jungkook asked, rubbing my back when we were back in my hotel bed, and I was still clinging to him the same as I was before. 

I began to cry into his chest, and he just held me tightly. Just the way he did the first time I was saved. 

"Can we go home tomorrow...?" I asked shakily, looking him in the eyes. 

"I will set up the flight as soon as you fall asleep Chim,  I won't leave you alone. " He promised, rubbing my back comfortingly. 

"Thank you for saving me so much, Jungkook. I love you." I smiled as well as I could, still startled from Liam's actions. 

"I love you too Jimin, I will always save you." He smiled with his bunny teeth and kissed me gently. As I fell asleep, still wrapped around his body, I could only think one thing. 

Never leave my side again, Kookie.  

A/N: I'M SORRY OKAY I NEEDED AN ANGST. Love you guys still, and don't worry, Jimin will be okay most definitely. Happy reading! 

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