Chapter 27

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I woke up in my own hotel bed, surrounded by blankets and pillows. It was nine in the morning, and everyone was still sleeping peacefully. I was set to wake them up, since my wedding would be at five and we all have to get ready while the grooms set up the venue and get themselves ready. 

I walked out of my room to find Yoongi asleep on the couch, Baekhyun, Youngjae and Chanyeol were all sharing one big palette on the floor with three smaller blankets, and Jin and Irene nowhere to be found.

"Irene? Jin?" I said at a normal volume, not to wake up my sleeping groomsmen. 

"In here!" Irene says, and the three boys on the floor woke up, as did Yoongi.

I came to them, seeing a bunch of large plates being set up full of bacon, eggs, and biscuits. 

"It's the big day, so me and Jin thought we should all eat something before we get started." 

"You would be right!" Baekhyun yelled from the living room and we all giggled. 

"Whoever just yelled is in for it." I hear Yoongi grumble and I giggle. 

By the time it was three o'clock, all the boys were suited up, and Irene was doing her makeup, me helping her and watching as she tried to speed up her routine. 

"Irene, breath, we have a whole of two hours for me and I want a more natural look anyways." I smiled, and she looked up at me. 

"I still want to do your hair too, and we have to make sure the dye is out so that you're looking natural. Besides, I look bomb enough anyways." She said, giggling and starting to do her hair. I watched her as she tied it up, leaving two strands to the side and made them wavy. 

"Wow, you're good at that." I smiled, feeling comforted to know that I would look good for my wedding. 

"It's one of those things I practice in my spare time. Now, my look is done, and I am going to start on yours." She smiled back to me and pulled out a few products.  She began with the base makeup, keeping it light and highlighting my best qualities. She spent a little more time with my eyes, being precise so that so wouldn't mess up. Finally, she pulled out a brush and started to dip into a light pink colored cream. 

"What is that?" I asked curiously, looking at it. 

"Oh, this?" I nod. "This is my secret ingredient to every natural look." She chuckles and begins to gently dab the substance onto my lips. 

"What makes it so secret?" I say when she returns back to the cartridge, and she looked up at me. 

"Well, you see, this is a very natural lip color so you barely know that it is there, but it tastes like strawberries. Just a slight taste, enough to drive your lover crazy." She winks and I smile as she finished dabbing the substance on, and she shows me my makeup. 

"Woah... you did so good.." I say, admiring the light makeup dusting my face. 

"Yep! Now for the hair to make you into a real prince." She giggles and takes my hair in her hands, parting it and heating up a straightener to make my hair easier to work with before she lightly curls it. The more I get to know Irene, the more I see that she really didn't mean to hurt me. Seeing her now, I am glad she found someone for her. 

"Hey...Irene?" I say, still looking straight ahead so she wouldn't mess up my hair. 

"Yes Jimin?" She says, focusing her eyes on the front of my head. 

"What is your man like?" I say, smiling even though she can't see me. 

"Oh... he's very handsome. In every way. He cares for me so much more than anyone I have ever been with and he has never hurt or argued with me. I can't wait for you to know him." She said, and I could hear the happiness in her voice. 

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