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Have you ever been that person, that everybody can’t help but fall in love with? The person with the utmost grades that always manages to get a hundred without studying? Or is so flawlessly beautiful that others stop and stare? Is so nice to everybody, it’s almost sickeningly sweet? And has the bubbly personality that can make the shyest of people speak?

 I know I’m not; not even close. I was the girl who would hide in the shadows. The girl who used to care about what everybody thought about her. The person that somebody else had to point at to see if someone knew who she was. The girl who would help anyone without a second thought, despite who they were and what they’ve done. I was that person.

Now, I can’t say I’m all that different from that naive girl. I was one of those people who believed good things came to those who were good. If you had said otherwise, I would’ve scoffed at you and would’ve tried to prove you wrong. Turns out, it doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad in life. The only way you can get what you want is if you do it yourself and work hard. There’s no leaving things up to fate and waiting forever for what may never be if you do nothing about it.

I learned that lesson the hard way. Luckily, I’m barely in the prime of my youth so the lesson was rather helpful for my future and I. People change no matter who they are and how old they are. Change is inevitable to everyone and if you don’t change, then you’re not living much of a life. And isn’t that the main point of life? Not necessarily living, but learning from your mistakes and changing into the person you truly are? Some aren’t fortunate enough to experience the glory of who they really are. Another way they try to avoid change is by leaving; disappearing like a ghost, not caring who they hurt.

And by leaving, they end up a different person and those they left become different people as well. Change may be unintentional, but necessary to live a complete life which I’m grateful for. Although there are certain times I feel like there’s no point and just want nothing more than to give up, I remember that this isn’t forever and someday I will able to make my own decisions and choose how to live my life; not be forced because I’m not considered an adult.

I had thought that I’d had already changed as a person, but when they came back, I finally became the person I really was    


This is a preview to the new story I will be starting after I finish Waiting For the Sun. This will be the first non-fantasy or paranormal story that I write, so please bear with me. If you're interested, please add it to your library because I promise I will write this story! I got inspired all of a sudden and the prologue was easily written so until WFS is finished, I may post a couple of chapters here and there but once I'm done, chapters will be posted regularly. Hell, chapters will be posted whenever I feel like writing them. Feedback will be very much appreciated!

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