Chapter Four

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“So what movie are we seeing?” Will asked aloud as we all packed inside my brother’s very old and most likely used Nissan. Unfortunately, Savannah called shotgun which meant that I was squished between Will and Colton, making me the center of a very uncomfortable sandwich.  

Now normally, I wouldn’t mind being forced to sit in between two guys whose looks challenged famous models and actors. However, having myself trapped by these two only made my shoulders stiff and my posture tense. If you have ever had to sucumb to sitting next to some creepy person somewhere like on a bus or a bench, you could sympathize with my current internal conflict. You know, inching away from the person as far as humanly possible without making it obvious you didn’t want to accidentally touch the person?

Yes, Will and Colton were quite the opposite of creepy, but I supported this grudge against them like it was a presidential candidate. The amount of limited space in the backseat made it so that any movement would result in some form of physical contact with the other. And since I was in the middle, lucky me, I couldn’t lean away from one of them without getting closer to the other. It was like a freaking chain of some sort.

“Ooh!”  my best friend squealed from the passenger seat, “we should go see that new movie with the girl who falls in love with her sister’s fiance! They’re playing it at the mall.”

“Hell no!” I protested without even thinking about it. Giving her a flat look and an icy glare I said, “You’re forgetting I hate romantic comedies and you know we’re banned from that movie theater until we’re twenty-one.”

“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure that guy was only joking when he said that.”

“I think the yelling, red face, and vein that looked like it was about to explode on the side of his head kind of implied that he was being serious,” I remarked mockingly.

Savannah silently thought before nodding in remembrance. “Oh yeah,” she mumbled before pouting and crossing her arms angrily. She muttered a line of incoherent words and although I couldn’t understand what she was saying, I knew it was along the lines of different curse words.

“How did you get banned from the movie theater?” Colton wondered, quirking an eyebrow. It seemed everyone in the car was curious since they were all staring at me, waiting patiently for an explanation. Will looked interested, Colton looked curious, and Elliott appeared to be having some kind of heart attack if the awkward twitching in his eyes indicated anything.

I smirked as I thought about that night because if I wasn’t so embarrassed and scared, I’d be laughing my ass off. “Savannah,” I sighed with a ghost of a smile gracing my lips, “care to share?”

“It was her fault,” the red head spat out bitterly and it seemed that was all she had to say about that night. I chuckled at how worked up Savannah was and since she obviously wasn’t going to say anything else, I gave the boys a vague summary. “A biker chick cut us on line.”

“And that’s only part of it. The stupid hoe got the last two tickets for the Avengers!” Savannah added, narrowing her pretty green eyes.

I nodded in agreement, momentarily forgetting why I was squirming in my seat in the first place. Will grinned, throwing his arm around my shoulders and pushing me up against his side. Annoyed, I punched his stomach with a strong fist and smirked when I heard a satisfactory grunt.

“Damn, you hit like a man!” he complained and a childish pout adorned on his lips. He rubbed his flat and undeniably chiselled stomach soothingly and looked up at me. “I think I have a bruise now. Wanna kiss it and make it better?” Will asked and nudged me in a flirtatious manner.

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