chapter 2

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I woke up screaming from a nightmare and I forgot I was sleeping on the sofa so I fell off crushing Joe and waking the boys up. Conor and Jack sat up rubbing their eyes asking  " what's going on? " Joe doing the same after I got off of him. I leaned myself against the sofa when it started. I was having an anxiety attack. I began shaking then crying and Joe knew what was coming next so he walked me straight to the bathroom where I was sick. Joe held my hair out of the way. I didn't understand why he was being nice to me when he didn't know me or how he knew I was having an anxiety attack.

Once I finished being sick we went and sat in the living room. I looked around to see all the boys faces staring back at me " Damit I've woke you all up now" I said and stared down at the floor " Hey it's ok you can't help it " Byron said. Joe turned me to look at him " It's going to be ok " He whispered. I hugged him.

I felt a breeze coming from somewhere, it made me shiver. Caspar noticed and threw me one of his hoodies " You used yours to help me I'll use mine to help you" He said. I put it on and walked over to him and hugged him " Thank you" I whispered I then asked them " Why are you being nice to me when you don't know me? " Joe came and sat next to me and said " You helped Caspar and your only a kid but anyway why don't you tell us about yourself"
" Well" I started " My name is Jordan I'm 14 years old I lost my parents in a car crash when I was seven and I've had nightmares and anxiety attacks ever since"
Silence until Oli said " Wow you've had it pretty rough then"
" Yeah " I answered. Joe handed me my bag and asked me " Is this everything you have" To which I opened it and and said " Yep this is all I have" At this point I could see all the boys staring back at me wanting to know my background all except one. Conor. " You can go back to sleep if you want Conor" I giggled " Sorry " He said " Your not boring I was just up really early so I didn't get much sleep" He explained. " It's ok Conor go to sleep I don't mind "

Josh asked me more questions like what is my favorite colour to which I answered " Dark red" Then Joe asked me   
" Did you dye your hair at the ends? "
" No my hair is naturally like this it's really weird because if you cut it the ends they instantly turn red" I said. I never knew why my hair did it I understand where the colours came from because my mums hair was naturally red and my dads was dark brown. It always confused me but my favorite color is dark red so I don't mind. I decided to show them everything I had. I started with what was left of my hoodie " Ok so tomorrow we need to get you some clothes and stuff in general " Joe said which made me giggle I then pulled out my water bottle and set it down next to me along with my phone it was only ever so she could keep tabs on me anyway. Then I got to the last thing which I didn't really want to show them but Joe took it out of my bag and asked me " Who is this then " I laughed. It felt good I hadn't laughed in ages giggles every now and then but never proper laughing. I decided to explain to them about my teddy " I've had it since forever I had it with me the day of the crash" Tears began to well in my eyes when Joe hugged me " I'm ok your ok we're ok none of us are going anywhere anytime soon" I snuggled into Joe's chest and he hugged me tight.

I must have fallen asleep like that because when I woke up I was in the same position. I'm glad there were no more nightmares. I could smell bacon and eggs being cooked so carefully getting up so I didn't wake jack, Conor or Joe I walked over to the kitchen to see Byron cooking. " Morning " He said " Morning Byron " I yawned
" Do you want some bacon and eggs "
He asked " Yes please " I replied
" So no more nightmares after falling asleep on Joe then?"
" Nope Joe makes a really good pillow"
I laughed. Byron laughed too. I was about to start eating when someone snuck up behind me and scared me making me fall off of my chair. "Conor" I whined. "That hurt" Conor just laughed by now the others were awake apart from Jack and Caspar. Joe helped me off the floor and then stole some bacon from my plate.
" Hey get your own" I said. I then asked " Who did I kick yesterday? " Just out of curiosity.  " That would be me " Jack said getting up off of the floor from where he was sleeping. I looked down at the floor playing with my hands and muttered " Sorry".
" Hey it's ok you were helping Caspar"  Caspar.  I quickly got up from my chair to wake up Caspar as his bandage would need changing.              " Caspar" I said shaking him he didn't move " CASPAR! " I shouted making him finally wake up " What I'm up I'm up " He said.  I giggled " I need to change your bandage" I said. " Oh ok" He said getting up. He followed me into the living room while Joe went to get bandages and water. 

I cleaned Caspar's cut and put fresh bandages on it while Byron cooked more bacon and eggs.  Caspar hugged me when I was done. " What was that for? " I asked. " You saved me yesterday annddd you look really cute in my hoodie " I completely forgot I was wearing his hoodie. " Speaking of hoodies Jordan you have no clothes except the ones your wearing we need to get you some new ones and I did say we were going to do it today" Joe said. " Ok but I need something to wear to go shopping in the first place " I said when Byron threw on of his clean hoodies at me " Thanks but what about my jeans " Joe threw me a spare tshirt and shorts of his sister Zoe's " I don't even know why I have any of Zoe's clothes here" Joe said.  I giggled " Ok I'm gonna go take a shower " I said " There should be a clean towel in there " Joe shouted.

After my shower I got changed and ran my fingers through my long hair and put it back up in a high pony tail. I walked back into the living room where Joe had already got dressed. " You ready" He asked " Yep where to first?  " I asked " Primark " He said

When we got back all the boys were playing video games " Hi " Oli said       " Hi guys what are you playing            "I asked " Well we decided on playing Mario cart and I'm beating everyone " Jack cheered.  Joe said " Why don't you put your stuff in my room " I nodded and walked to put my stuff in Joes room.  I walked back into the living room and got my teddy out of my rucksack when I noticed my phone flash.  I picked it up. Her.  I threw it on the floor and moved to the other side of the room. " What's wrong " Joe asked picking up my phone  and then reading the message. He walked straight over,  hugged me and whispered " It's going to be ok she can't hurt you anymore" He tossed the phone to Byron and the boys so they could read the message.  Byron read it out loud " I will find you and do it all but ten times worse you useless brat"
" What does that mean " Byron asked.  I lifted the sleeves of the hoodie to show them the scars on the top of my arms.  Then I lifted the back to show them the marks and I showed them the bump on my head that she gave me yesterday " Was that why you were lying on the floor in that first video message " Oli asked " What video message " Josh showed me the video. " She grabbed my hair dragged me then slammed me into the wall knocking me out which I guess is why I didn't know anything about that message " I started having flashbacks of the torture she put me through everything started spinning and I passed out.

Authors note _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ok so now the boys know what has been going on.  I hope you guys are enjoying this so far and if your not then please let me know why so hopefully I can improve so you do like it but please don't leave nasty comments  if you don't like it.    Byeeeee😛

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