Chapter 22

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" what do we do? " I asked. Conor shook his head. " I don't know but I think it's best to wait until we're up in Aberdeen. Jack can't know about this " He said. I nodded in agreement. I waved by to Conor and teleported back to the boys. They were all asleep. I sat on the sofa and watched TV and scrolled through instagram and twitter. After a few hours the boys woke up as it was now morning. " mornin boys how'd you sleep? " I asked. Joe just shrugged. Caspar groaned as he got up. We all got ready and headed to the hospital to get Jack.

We were in the truck on our way back up to Aberdeen. We were in the same trucks as before. I really wanted to teleport to their truck to make sure Jack was ok but i couldn't so i leaned my head on Zac shoulder and soon fell asleep. I could still hear the boys conversation as i drifted to sleep.

When i woke up we were on the dirt road that lead to the house. It was still snowy here. We pulled up outside the house and I realised I hadn't taken down the house and Elsa castle that i built. Lucky Jack was asleep. I gave the boys one moment to marvel at them and then destroyed them. We woke up Jack and helped him inside. There were enough bedrooms that we all had our own. The boys went to theirs and i went to mine. I went out onto the roof and sat in the snow. I heard the familiar tread of Conor, Josh, Oli and Zac come into my room and out the window. I motioned the snow and it started to form into a big Hill.  I then teleported to the top of it shocking them all apart from Conor. Zac turned to go and get Joe and the others but i teleported in front of him. " Jack " I murmured. He then remembered if we left Jack alone he would get suspicious. " I'll go and stay with him " Oli volunteered. I nodded and he climbed back in the window. I watched his retreating back until I couldn't see him any more. I went and sat at the edge of the roof while i waited for Joe, Byron and Caspar to come upstairs. When they finally did they came out onto the roof and i repeated my earlier actions of teleporting onto the big Hill that i had made. The three latecomers stood there dumbfounded. I teleported back over. Joe ran a hand through his hair.
" what do we do? " He asked. I shrugged. I honestly had no idea what was going on. I decided i wanted to test something. I grabbed Zac's arm and teleported. I could teleport other people with me. I took Zac back and switched grabbing Josh and Conor this time. They both came with me. I took them back and wanted to try taking three people but it wouldn't work. I suddenly had an idea. I could leave the boys stranded if I was quick enough. I grabbed Josh and Conor teleporting them over and leaving them then doing the same to Zac and Joe. By then Byron and Caspar had made for the window. I motioned it shut and grabbed the boys teleporting them over just like I had done with the others. I teleported myself indoors and opened the windows standing there watching the boys try to get back. They couldn't. The boys started shouting for me to put them back but I ignored them. After a moment Oli came upstairs. " i need help changing Jack's bandages " He paused for a moment walking over to the window. " how the hell did they get over there? " He asked. " well I put them there and they have to work out there own way back " I explained. Oli nodded and we walked downstairs to Jack ignoring the boys trying to get me to help them. I pulled out a first aid kit and walked over to Jack. He took off his hoodie so i could change the bandage on his arm. I took off the old bandage. And held his arm to look at his wound. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. If I was there I could have stopped this. Jack started groaning in pain but then he stopped. I opened my eyes to see his wound gone. He looked at me shocked. " h how did you do that" He stuttered. I stayed motionless. I lifted the bottom of his tshirt and I took the bandage off from around his torso. I pressed two fingers on the wound and watched it slowly disappear. I pulled myself away from Jack. " Oli keep him here I'm going to get the boys " I said and rushed upstairs without waiting for an answer. I teleported to the hill. I made the hill slowly melt to the ground so we could go in the front door. The boys saw my panicked expression and followed. I got in and Jack was freaking out. " hey Jack it's ok mate " Conor said reassuringly. I took the bandage off his other arm and told the boys to watch. I pressed two fingers to the wound and it slowly disappeared. The boys looked at each other confused. Joe ran his hands through his hair. I could tell he was getting mad but before I could stop him he had punched a brick wall breaking his hand. I knew i couldn't touch his hand as it would hurt so i placed two fingers against his head and his hand healed. " Ok can someone please explain what the fuck is going on " Jack exclaimed.
Oh sweet jesus.

Authors note --------------------------------------

Sorry this chapter is really late I've been busy with school and my wattpad has been playing up but comment if you like this book or if you have no questions about the characters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter byeeeee 😛

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