Chapter 9

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Jordan: can you adopt Zac too

Joe: what. Who is Zac?

Jordan: he's a boy here he's 16 and he is the only one that's talked to me since I got here and he's like an older brother to me

Joe: I have to talk to Byron first I will call you once I've spoken to him love you

Jordan: love you too bye

I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to Zac. " your not going to lose me " I whispered to Zac. He looked at me confused " you should be able to come home with me " his eyes lit up as he registered what I had just said
" really? " He asked. I was about to answer him when my phone rang. I pulled out my phone to see Byron's contact flash up on my phone. I answered the phone.

Byron: hey Jordan

Jordan: hey have you decided if Zac can come home with us yet

Byron: well me and Joe want to meet him tomorrow but maybe yeah

Jordan: well I mean I might not have known him for long but he's like the older brother I've always wanted

Byron: you know he will be involved with the Megan stuff right

Jordan: I already told him about that

Byron: what?!

Jordan: I kind of had to he came to make sure I was ok after my nightmare and he really cares Byron

Byron: ok Jordan we will meet him tomorrow love you bye

Jordan: bye

I hang up the phone and hug Zac.
" what was that for? " He questioned I just shrugged my shoulders " did you really mean what you said about me being the older brother you always wanted " I nodded and Zac smiled. We sat there for a while when Zac said " we should try and get some sleep " I shook my head " there's no point because I will be up in an hour with another nightmare " I whispered the only way I didn't get them was when I was with Joe. I pulled out my phone and checked the time it was 4 in the morning. " do you want me to stay here? " Zac asked.
" no its ok go and get some sleep because after tonight we are going to be on the road a lot because of Megan so you won't get much sleep anyway I'll see you in the morning " Zac nodded and left to his room and I sat on my bed until the lady called through the speaker that it was time for breakfast. I decided to go down and see what they had. I reached the bottom of the stairs but Zac wasn't down here yet. I walked across the room to see what food there was but it was all gross so I didn't have anything I stayed downstairs though. I was sat waiting for Zac when a group of girls came over and said " aw are you trying to get attention by not eating well it ain't going to work you slut " the leader of their stupid group carried on calling me shit and then she realised I was ignoring her so she hit me and threw me across the room my broken wrist hitting the wall making me wince in pain but I knew if I retaliated I would be punished. She was about to hit me again when someone shouted " leave her alone! " I looked up to see Zac stood behind the girls. The girls walked away and Zac helped me up I winced slightly as I had fallen on my ankle. It wasn't broken but it hurt like a bitch. " are you ok? " Zac asked
" Yeah just peachy " I replied sarcastically which made Zac laugh. Once we got upstairs we found some bandages and wrapped them around my ankle for some support. I was surprised at how much medical stuff Zac knew. I knew a little bit more than him but he was really good. " where did you learn all that medical stuff? " I asked. " I taught myself because when my parents used to hit me I would have to sort them on my own as they didn't care enough to take me to a hospital " Zac said sadly. I hugged him
" I'm sorry you had to go through that on your own " I said. Zac just hugged me tighter. We broke apart when the loud speaker came on " we have two boys looking to adopt 2 kids 14 years and over " I smiled knowing it was Joe and Byron " are you ready to meet Joe and Byron" I asked. Zac nodded and helped me down stairs. We got down there and sat on the sofa " we have to act like we don't know them " I whispered
" Ok we've got company though " Zac said I looked over his shoulder and saw the group of girls whispering and looking at me. I just shrugged it off. Joe and Byron walked in and went to talk to other people first so nothing was obvious. Eventually they came over to me and Zac. " hi " I smiled. Joe and Byron smiled back " So this is the famous Zac that we've heard about then? "  Joe asked. I nodded then Joe and Byron turned to Zac and said " So tell us a bit about you Zac " I saw Zac gulp so I curled into his arm to comfort him and felt him relax a bit
" well " Zac started " I'm 16 I've been here for a year I was brought here because my parents abused me I was an only child I love music and basketball and I've always wanted a younger sister " Zac looked at me and I smiled. " what happened to your ankle Jordan " Byron asked
" a group of girls decided to be
bitches " I replied " but Zac sorted it " I added. Byron nodded. " well we have to sort paper work we will see you in a bit ok " Joe said. I nodded and they left everyone went back upstairs to their rooms we were their for a bit until I was called down they didn't ask for Zac to come so I was really sad I hugged him goodbye and whispered
" I don't want to leave you "
" It's ok Jordan I will find you when I get out of here eventually " I nodded blinking back tears and walked down stairs. I was met with Joe and Byron at the bottom of the stairs and they saw how sad I was and hugged me " I don't want to leave him " I cried.
" go upstairs and get him then " Joe said
" what really? " I asked. They both nodded and I went up stairs as fast as I could without making my ankle worse and burst straight into Zac's room. He looked at me confused
" come on get your stuff and let's go " I said excited. Zac was still confused when the loud speaker came on and said " could Zac bring his things to reception please " He stood up and hugged me. We quickly packed up his things before going down stairs. Joe and Byron were waiting for us when we reached the bottom of the stairs. Joe and Byron hugged me and Zac
" welcome to the family " Joe smiled.
We went and put our stuff in the car and drove home.

Once we got back the boys were all sat in the living room Caspar was the first to get up and he engulfed me in a bear hug " need.. to... breathe Caspar " I said. He let go I grabbed Zac's hand and walked him over to the couch and said " guys this is Zac " I then turned to Zac and said " this is Caspar, Jack, Conor, Oli and Josh and then you've already met Joe and Byron "
" hi " Zac said. The boys suddenly started bombarding him with questions but before I could tell them to stop Zac fell to the floor.

Authors note --------------------------------------

Yay they adopted Zac but the boys took it to far and now Zac's on the floor. leave a comment if your liking the story so far. I hope your enjoying it byeeeee 😛

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