Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sun rising outside. I checked the time on my phone. 5:45. Seriously why am I awake so early. I was up in the middle of the night but I'm glad I didn't wake anyone up they seriously need their sleep. I decided i was staying in the clothes I had on today and went and sat on the roof of the garage. I got my phone out and started watching videos of funny edits in different films I need about like star wars and some other sci-fi films. After a while i went back inside. After watching those clips it got me thinking, Imagine if I could move things without touching them. There was a knock at my door. " come in " I said. Zac opened the door but forgot to shut it. " It's ok I'll use the force to shut the door " I joked. I put my hand out as if I had powers but the door actually shut. Confusion crossed Zac's face. Mine probably looked exactly the same. " did that actually just happen? " Zac asked. I shook my head. It can't physically be possible. Can it? I decided to test it on something else that would prove it was real. I tried lifting the bedside table from the other side of the room. It came off the floor and then it landed with a thump on the floor. Joe came in a moment later. " what was that bang? " He asked. He saw me trembling. " Jordan, Zac what's going on? " Joe was really worried but I tried to speak but no words came out. Thankfully Zac spoke up
" Joe go and get Caspar and Byron " Joe was about to question him when Zac shoved him out the door. We heard his footsteps as he went down stairs. " Zac this can't be real. What the fuck is happening? " Zac grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me straight in the eye " I know this is scary but the guys need to know you have to do it again " He said. I ran my hand through my hair just as Joe and the others came in. " what's going on " Caspar asked. Byron was about to close the door. " don't close that " I said. Byron was confused " you guys might want to sit down " I said. The three of them sat down while Zac stayed standing. " Ok your freaking us out now " Byron said laughing nervously. I stood at the window and motioned my hand to make the door close. It slammed shut. " no that was just the wind " Joe said in denial. I moved over to where the door was and lifted the bedside table for a short moment before putting it down again. " that wasn't though Joe face it you have a fucked up kid " I said as he was still in denial about the whole thing. i climbed out the window, jumped down from the roof and went to carry on working on the bike. i heard shouting from indoors and then something smashed. i ran inside to make sure no one was hurt . i walked into the living room Joe had smashed a glass that was on the table and there was now glass in his hand. " stay still " i said while i went to grab some medical supplies i had in my bag. I came down and Joe was sat on the sofa i went over and knelt down in front of him and started cleaning his hand. After it was clean i gently pulled the glass out and wrapped it in a bandage. as i walked off Joe grabbed my arm making me wince in pain as it was my bad one. it had nearly healed now. " sorry " he said quietly. " listen Jordan you are not fucked up you are the best thing that has happened to me and the boys i just cant believe all this supernatural shit is real " he shook his head in disbelief. i hugged him " its ok, dad " i pulled back and smirked at the shocked look on his face but he soon recovered. and smiled at me. " come on lets get the boys and go out and get breakfast " he grabbed my good hand and pulled me upstairs to where the others were still in my room. Caspar came straight over and hugged me. He pulled back but kept his hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes " are you ok? " he asked. I nodded and looked around him to see Byron still sat on my bed. I walked over to him and sat next to him on the bed. " you ok? " i asked. He waited a moment so he could collect his thoughts before answering " yeah but i never believed in this supernatural stuff i guess i do now " he chuckled. My stomach rumbled making me realize how hungry i am. The boys looked at me and then broke into laughter. " ok so i have something to say, one we cant let Megan find out about this because it makes our situation worse, two i'm sorry i scared you guys and three can we go and get some food " i said. Zac nodded agreeing with what i had said about Megan and food. " yeah lets go and get food to celebrate Jordan calling me dad for the first time " Joe said throwing his hands up in the air as if he was at a party. The others all looked at me. " wait what? " Byron questioned. i just shrugged and said
" i caught him off guard though his face was hilarious " Joe stood with a pouty face and his arms crossed clearly not happy about what i just said. " aw i wish i had seen that " Caspar said now sulking as well. I laughed at him before i turned to Joe. " are we going or not mister grumpy pants " i said.                                                  " well someones not getting ice cream after breakfast then " he said. I gasped. I love ice cream and he would not stop me from having some. " please dad i'm sorry " i said giving him puppy dog eyes. " ok then " he said and i celebrated. We walked downstairs out to the truck. I went and locked the garage before climbing in the truck. " now we just have to sort out when we are going to see Jack, not that hes going to remember me if he pulls through this " the boys sighed and Zac hugged me " its gonna be ok Jordan " he said as we started driving.

Authors note --------------------------------------

aw she called him dad. freaking love this chapter comment if you like this story. i'm thinking about answering some of your questions about any of the characters or the story. leave a comment if you have a question and ill try to answer them. i am writing this on my computer as i have sprained my wrist because i'm stupid. i hope you enjoyed this chapter byeeeee 😛

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