Chapter 21

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" what that's impossible " Oli said. i motioned my hand to hold the keys in the air.                                " look i can show you better when we get back up to Aberdeen because we have snow up there but i can move anything " i explained. " Jack can't know about this " I added. The boys nodded in agreement. We headed back inside to Jack's room. There was a nurse in there so me and Zac waited outside. After the nurse left we walked inside.
" we're gonna leave tomorrow morning Jack has to stay over night " Byron said. I nodded. They all started talking about the things they used to do so i decided to leave. I walked out to the parking lot. I waited until nobody was around then i lifted the bike out of the truck with my new powers. I grabbed the helmet, climbed on and speed off.

After a while I pulled over near a big open field. There was a football game going on with some teenagers. I took the keys out of the bike and climbed up a tree to watch. One of them turned around and noticed my bike. He nudged his mates and they started heading towards my bike. " this is one nice bike " one of them said. He reached his hand out to touch it. " I wouldn't touch that if I were you " I warned. They started looking around for where the voice came from. I jumped out of the tree. " is this your bike? " they asked.
" yup " I said. " to much power for you guys to handle though " I added. I pulled my helmet on and hopped on the bike. " you can't ride that thing your a girl " one of them said. I pushed him square in the jaw and speed off.

I pulled up outside the hospital but the truck was gone. I parked the bike and headed to Jack's room. The boys weren't there. I walked in confused. " they told me to say they headed out for food they won't be long your brother went as well " I nodded and placed my helmet on the floor. " you have a bike? Aren't you a little bit young for that? " He asked.
" Ok considering you don't remember anything do you want me to fill you in? " I asked. He nodded.
" Ok so what is the last thing you remember? " I asked.
" when Caspar went missing " He replied. I explained everything from after that point missing out the bit about my powers. The boys walked in. " hey Jordan " they said. Joe sat next to me. " hey kiddo " He said.
" would you tell me off if I told you i punched someone in the jaw? " I asked. He raised an eyebrow. " when I went off on the bike i pulled over by a field. There were these guys playing football. Some of them came over to the bike but i was in a tree watching the game. They went to touch it and I told them not to and that it was my bike. I also told them that they wouldn't handle it and they said I couldn't either because i was a girl so i punched him in the face " I explained. Joe pulled me in for a tight hug and i winced. He pulled away and looked at me. I looked over at Zac avoiding Joes eyes. Zac nodded at me telling me to show Joe. I lifted the bottom of my t-shirt and hoodie to reveal the blueish purple bruise that had formed. " how? " Joe asked.
" I was getting the bike out of the truck the other day but it slipped and one of the ramps fell on me " I said.
" your so fucking clumsy " Oli said.
" thanks for stating the obvious " I said. We all started laughing. " we need to find somewhere to sleep tonight " Joe said. We all left so Jack could sleep as it was getting late now. Conor, Josh and Oli went to the hotel they were staying in. I gave Zac the helmet and he hopped on behind me on the bike and we sped off following Joe, Byron and Caspar in the truck. When we pulled up outside a hotel i turned off the engine of the bike. We climbed off the bike and headed inside after the others. Joe went to get a room. He walked back over to us. " they only have one room " He stated. We headed upstairs and there were three beds. A double bed and a bunk bed. " you guys take the beds i can sleep in the truck tomorrow "  i said. The boys didn't argue as they knew they would lose. They climbed into bed. Joe was on the bottom bunk and Byron was on the top. Caspar and Zac were sharing the double bed. I sat down on the sofa and soon heard the boys breathing even out so i knew they were asleep. I laid down on the couch and started humming radioactive by imagine dragons. I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted Conor. I knew he would still be awake worrying about Jack.

JJ: Conor i know that your awake so get some sleep Jack's ok

C: i know he's ok I'm just worried and i can't help it

JJ: I wish I was there with you the boys snore to loud

C: to be fair Josh and Oli aren't any better

JJ: night Conor

C: night Jordan

I put my phone back in my pocket and closed my eyes to think. I wish I could be there with Conor to tell him everything is ok. When i opened my eyes i was in an unfamiliar room. I looked around and noticed Josh and Oli asleep on bunk beds. How in the fuck did i get here. Conor walked out of their bathroom and nearly had a heart attack. " when did you get here? " He asked. I shrugged.
" I don't know one minute I was on the couch in our hotel room wishing I was here to tell you everything's OK and the next minute I'm here " I said confused. " Ok so you can teleport " Conor said sarcastically. I raised a finger so he would stop so i could test something. I closed my eyes and thought of our hotel room and when I opened my eyes that's where I was. The boys were still sleeping. I teleported back to Conor. He was stood in the same place as when I left.
" Ok well that was weird "

Authors note --------------------------------------

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