Patton's Attack

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Warning for angst.


Logan ended up sleeping in Patton's bed the night before, it was rare for the logical side to get nightmares so Patton was surprised. He wanted to hear about what happened in the dream, but decided to let Logic tell him before asking.

Patton woke up in a stir, deciding to leave Logan in the bed, tucking the covers to his sides. Despite what had happened, he couldn't notice how cute the other side looked. He looked peace. Patton wanted him to always look as such.

The emotional side made his way to the kitchen, thinking it was a good idea to make sure everyone ate a good breakfast this morning. He starting toasting some bread and cracking some eggs, he knew Logan liked those.

The air in the room, well it felt odd to say the least. It felt as if you couldn't breathe properly.

The lights seemed dimmer, and the room had suddenly gone darker. But, being Patton, he was able to ignore it and focus on making a good meal for the other sides.

"I bet you like when the other sides are in pain like that."

Patton turned, his heart skipping a beat. He thought...he thought he heard a voice...a daunting voice. Something about it made him feel, well, off.

He shook his head, and went back to making the breakfast. He couldn't focus on his silly thoughts right now, not with everyone in their current state.

"Don't fucking ignore me, Patton."

Patton jumped and turned around again, a hand was gripping the shirt on his chest, and two dead but somehow glowing eyes were looking at him. He knew instantly who it was, Thomas's Depression.

"S-S-Stop...why are you bothering us?! A small part of you must want Thomas to be happy?!"

The other figure laughed, and laughed. There was a wickedness in his tone and he almost sounded robotic. Patton had never seen someone so heartless.

"Patton...I really have it out for you. Like, really. You're just too happy...way too happy. You try to ruin all of my plans with your sappy happy shit... I could just..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but instead, gripped his hands around Patton's neck, cutting off his air...

Patton gasped, fear filling up his whole entire body, a tear rolling down his face. "P-P-Plea-a-se s-s-stop."

The evil side was about to laugh, about to do so much more than laugh in fact, but before he could finish, a hand, no, a fist met his face, causing him to fall to the ground.

Depression fell, groaning in pain. Logan stood before him, anger in his eyes while he was hovering over him, he bent down taking him by his colar. He punched him again, and again, and again...

Anxiety entered the room, awoken from the noise. He didn't have time to even look at Logan as he ran to Patton, rubbing his back soothingly so he could breathe better.

Princey, who had also been awoken, ran to the logical side. Tearing him away from the monster below him.

"Not now, Logan! Not now..." The fanciful side yelled, gripping Logan away.

Logan's knuckles were swollen, blood covering them. But Depression...looked as if he were dying.

Even though Depression was in this current state, he couldn't help but start laughing, spitting out blood.

"Ill be back and stronger." He stated demonically, getting up with a struggle, and disappeared in the air.

Logan sat there, examining his bloody knuckles. He'd never done that to anything that was a part of Thomas...never. 

"Logan..." Patton wheezed out, approaching him.

Logan looked up, tears in his eyes. "Patton...if he tries to hurt you...or any of you again...I swear I'll kill him. I will kill him...I'll..."

Patton quickly hushed him, pulling him for a hug. "I'm okay Logan. I'm okay."

For once during this whole entire situation, Patton started to develop doubts, and fear.

They would need more help than this.


It's back everyone! I hope you enjoyed it! Any theories on what's going to help them? ;)

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