Found You

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Agressive themes.


After Patton had calmed down, the four decided to finally head back to the mindspace. Thomas was particularly anxious about it, considering how Anxiety was afraid himself.

Both Princey and Patton weren't as scared for some reason, Patton acting numbingly normal.

When they appeared in the mindspace, they all ended up in the common room. Everything was gloomy, and it wasn't as easy to breathe in there as it once was before.

Anxiety coughed, trying to get some clear air in his lungs, Roman couldn't help but to pat his back almost instinctively. "What's with the air?"

Patton turned, looking at the other sympathetically. "I think...Depression is becoming closer to the mindspace."

Roman looked at Thomas, anger spread across his face as he did so. "We spent time with Thomas all did he get stronger?!"

Virgil walked up to Princey, reaching for his hand and wrapping his fingers around his, Roman looked at him, his mouth gaped open.

Anxiety spoke with concern in his eyes, "It'll be okay. Just like you said."

Roman smiled weakly, tightening his grip against the other's hand before letting go. "Yeah. Alright. You're right."

Thomas walked away looking around the place, making his way from the others. He heard...noises. It sounded like talking, or, crying even.

He headed down the hallway that contained the sides's rooms, the noises getting louder and more clearer with each step he took. There was a room at the very end, the door a dark red and covered in a black smoke like mist.

He put his ear against the door, attempting to listen.

"Logan...had enough? You're starting to look like Virgil with the black eyes you have there."

Thomas breathed unevenly, almost gasping to himself. Depression had been in the sides's mindspace the whole time?

He took a step back, trying to not make any sounds to reach the top of the hallway once again to get some more help.

But, before he could the door swung open, and he felt a tug on his shirt as he was pulled in, then the person slamming the door closed once more.

He looked, only to be shocked at what he was seeing. Before him was a tied down Logic, and he couldn't even describe what his face looked like because he could hardly tell. He was completely swollen, his eyes were beaten black, and his face was bloody.

Thomas felt like crying, no, he was crying. Tears streamed down his face as he saw the state he was in, feeling a deep hole within himself.

He spoke, a crack in his voice from his cries. "L-Logan?"

He didn't answer, and Thomas couldn't tell if he was knocked out or just tired. Before him he saw a worried looking Deceit with black bruises around his neck and colar bones, as he mouthed the words, 'I'm so sorry.'

Thomas then saw before him Depression, the monster himself. He couldn't help but to take in his evil looking features, before finally lunging himself at him.

Depression easily dodged to the side, causing Thomas to fall in front of him. He laughed, his metallic sounding voice being chilling to his ears.

"Now, now, Thomas. I won't hurt you. We need you."

Thomas grunted, leaning against the wall in pain. "You're a fucking psychopath. I'm not helping you."

Depression laughed, causing Deceit to jolt and hold his knees to his chest in fear. "You already are."

Before Thomas could spew at him again, the door flew open, almost completely off the hinges too. Princey and Anxiety stood there, as Patton didn't have time to as he rushed to Logan"s side.

Patton sobbed, looking at Logan's current state. He held his head in his hands. "No. No. No! You're okay! Wake up...come on...wake up! Logan, wake up!"

Anxiety ran to Patton and Logan, undoing his tied up hands. Roman immediately charged at Depression, a sword in his hand. "You're as good as dead. Believe me."

Depression laughed, but stopped as he felt something tug at his leg. He looked down quickly before tumbling down. Deceit had knocked him to the ground.

He fell, grunting almost softly. Roman charged at him, sword at hand and impaling roughly in the chest. Depression groaned louder, almost screaming at the pain but laughing at it as well.

"It's as if you've struck me with rose pedals. I will regain all lost strength."

With those last words, he disappeared into thin air like he had times before. Roman grew anger on his face, now looking to Deceit. He remembered how he took Logan despite telling him not to. He raised his sword, ready to impale him.


Roman turned, only to see an awoken Logan, sitting where he had been tied during this whole ideal. He was taking deep breaths, panting desperately. "Don't...kill him."

Patton's breath hitched as he lunged forward, hugging the logical side, crying as he stroked his hair. "You're okay now. You're okay."

Anxiety cried too, now having Thomas hugging him as well. He couldn't help but to think if all this pain was...worth it.

Roman walked closer to Logan, happiness in his eyes as he was awake, but concern as to why he would want the man partly in charge of his suffering to live. "Logan, why?"

Logan looked up weakly, forcing both Patton and Anxiety to ease up a bit. "I have proof to believe that Deceit had a semi-valid reason for doing these things."

Roman grunted, aiming the sword at Deceit again as he shook in his place. "What reasoning validates this pain!?"

Logan looked to Patton directly, seeing as the dad like figure had tears streaming down his face. "What Deceit did, is what I would do for Patton. Or Anxiety, Thomas, or you. Please, understand."

Roman looked to the ground once more, freeing Deceit from his spot. He scurried up, his eyes pleadful in front of Roman. "T-Thank you..."

Princey scoffed, pushing Deceit against the wall harshly. "Please. Thank Logan. If it were just me here, I promise to you, you'd be dead, and just because you're alive now, doesn't mean I wont have to kill you later. Be careful where you stand."

Deceit swallowed, "Yes...yes Sir. Thank you then, Logan."

Patton stood, helping the logical side up along with Anxiety and their host. "Let's clean you up, okay?"

Logan nodded weakly, instead of refusing like he usually would have. He almost fell a few times, but both Thomas and Anxiety helped keep him up.

As they all left to help fix up the logical side, Roman went to Deceit once again, sword now to his throat. "I don't care what Logan said. You will pay for what you did."

Roman walked away, heaviness in each step.

Deceit couldn't help but to be cautious.


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