Math Questions

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Maya POV!

Maya- "Have you ever thought about poetry?" Zay invited me over for dinner but I had to stay to help Lucas with schoolwork. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he started staring at me. "Stop!"

Lucas- "I have questions."

Maya- "Math questions?"

Lucas- "No."

Maya- "I can only help you with Spanish, but since you take French there's no need for me to answer any questions."

Lucas- "Does Riley know?"

Maya- "No and she's not going to."

Lucas- "I can't lie to her you know."

Maya- "You can't lie to anyone."

Lucas- "I'm serious Maya." That's it! I slammed my book down on the table.

Maya- "God dammit Lucas! So am I! I said you can't tell her and you're not going to."

Lucas- "It's not right to keep this from her. If you won't tell her than I will."

Maya- "You sure as hell will not! Does this look like a game to you, because I can assure you that even if it was, I wouldn't be playing. I'm not going to let your need to be a moral compass get the Matthew's to leave me too. So please Lucas Friar, mind your god damn business!" I left the room to cool off. I decided that I may as well grab a snack from the vending machine when I saw a familiar face.

Nurse Jackie- "Maya? How have you been darling? You better not be checked in here again!"

Maya- "I'm not Jack. Just visiting a friend. He got shot."

Nurse Jackie- "Oh I'm so sorrry to hear that. I hope he feels well soon. And you? How long has it been?"

Maya- "Two weeks!" She claps and gives me a hug. I guess after trying to kill yourself, not harming is good, even if it's only for half a month.

Nurse Jackie- "No matter what you tell yourself, it is a big deal and you're doing wonderful sweetie. I have to go check on a baby. It was so nice to see you Maya! Don't let it happen again." With that, she ran off, with my chips. I smiled to myself and walked back to the room. Jackie put me in a good mood. "3. That's it."

Lucas- "I'm sorry, did I miss something?"

Maya- "Just ask your ignorant questions already!"

Lucas- "So, your depressed?"

Maya- "That one you could have guessed based on my shitty life."

Lucas- "And you self harm?"

Maya- "Yup."

Lucas- "And you don't want the Matthew's to know?"

Maya- "Looks like you have a firm grasp on the situation yes. Ok so, back to work." He started pouting. "Fine one more."

Lucas- "Why did Zay say that you were suicidal? And New Years, what happened?"

Maya- "That sounded like 2 questions to me."

Lucas- "Maya!"

Maya- "Ok ok sheesh! No need to alarm the rest of the hospital. He said I'm suicidal because I am- was. I tried to commit suicide about a week after New Years. New Years was when Farkle shared that Riley still liked you, although it was quite obvious. My depression got worse because I knew that you liked her more than me and would want her. And suprise suprise here we are, months later, and you and Riley are dating." He looked at me sadly.

Lucas- "Maya why didn't you tell us?"  his voice cracked.

Maya- "You two didn't really care. You were happy so I didn't want to bring you down. Just look at Farkle, when he came to see me in the hospital, he couldn't stop crying and saying that it was his fault. It was nobody's fault except my own."

Lucas- "It's all my fault. If I hadn't chosen Riley then-"

Maya- "Then everything would be ruined. I told you to choose Riley because if you didn't, the friendship between us all would be over.

Hey, thank you so much for reading my story. I hope it helps satisfy your lucaya heart a bit. I love reading your comments so feel free to say whatever's on your mind. If you like the chapter, please vote for it. I know it seems mundane but it helps me, the author, a lot to see what y'all like and don't like about the story. Enjoy!

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