Diagon Alley

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  This was the best day ever - for Lucy of course-. She just got a Hogwarts letter! The letter was 2 years too late, but she didn't mind. The summer vacation ended in a day, so she hurried and packed her things. She looked at the list. Books, robes and a pet she needed. Flooing was the best option. Lucy took some Floo-Powder and yelled: ''Diagon Alley!''. A few seconds later she was in the fireplace of Flourish and Blotts. She bought the books she needed and after that, she needed a pet. Lucy only went to Diagon Alley if she needed Potion ingredients -since she had been taught at home- or new robes. But the robes she needed now were the school robes of Hogwarts.   

You wonder what her parents say? Lucy's mother was never there for her and James Potter was dead before she was born. Now you are thinking: Isn't Lily Potter dead, too? Yes, she is, but she isn't Lucy's mom. Lucy's mother is called Milana Merchantix. Some pureblood families are so strict, that they force their children into marriage. Lucy's mom and dad didn't want to marry, but Lucy's grandfather would not rest until they created an heir. The heir is Lucy. The Merchantix family is very popular because they are the richest family in the whole Wizarding World.

Lucy glared at her list while she was walking to the pet shop. She didn't notice a certain boy with raven hair, glasses and a scar on his forehead walking past her. She thought she passed him but instead, she bumped into him. ''Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't pay attention.'' , she apologized, still too startled to move. ''Oh well, it's okay.'', he said awkwardly. Lucy brushed her clothes neat and corrected her black hair. The raven-haired boy stood there and then emerald eyes met night-blue eyes. ''So, bye then.'', Lucy broke the silence. The boy said nothing, but walked past her. Lucy turned around and saw how the boy hugged a girl with bushy hair and a boy with red hair and freckles. Lucy walked into the pet shop and looked around. Wow, so many pets, she thought. She preferred a owl. The owl was a Pharaoh Eagle owl. Lucy called him Zeus, like the Greek god. It was the most expensive one. After that she payed for a golden cage. Her hands were full but she was still able to snatch the list out of her handbag. ROBES AT MADAM MALKIN'S, she read. She knew where that was and Madame malkins knew her well. When she entered the little shop, Madame Malkins noticed her immediately . ''Lucinda, there you are! Your Hogwarts robe is ready to go.'', she said excited. ''But how did you know?'', asked Lucy. ''I know you well enough. '', Madame Malkins' eyes twinkled. ''And by the way, I know your size, too'', she added. She handed Lucy the beautiful robe out of her desk. Lucy scanned it. The robe was black with pink roses on the inner side of the collar. ''Wow, thank you. I really appreciate it!'', Lucy said honestly. Madame Malkins smiled and waved at her when she was heading outside. But then Lucy abruptly stopped and turned around fast. ''Could I use your fireplace for Floo-ing?'', she asked. ''Sure!'', she got as an answer. When she found the floo powder, she yelled: Merchantix Manor!''. 

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