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A/N: This is a very short chapter ;P 

  On her way back, she tripped over a pair of legs that stuck out. 

Laughter could be heard.

 Her books and quill fell on the floor and the ink pot shattered into pieces and made Lucy's hands dirty.

 Someone ran towards her and helped her clean up the mess.

 It was Malfoy. ''Crabbe, Goyle, didn't I tell you to wait in the dorms?'', he said.

 ''Sorry Draco, we'll go there then.'', Crabbe mumbled.

 After they left Malfoy asked Lucy: ''Isn't it the second time you weren't watching where you were going, Potter?'',

 ''So what? I wasn't aware that there were legs, okay? Why are you even helping me? '', she said and snatched her books from Malfoy's hands.

 She stood up and put everything in her bag. Malfoy sighed.

 ''I just wanted to be nice. Can I at least get a 'thank you'?'',

 ''Fine, thank you. I thought you hated the Potters?'', she asked.

 ''Your brother is my rival, not you.'', he answered.

 ''Okay, but I have to go to the girls' dorms. See you around'', she left, running practically.

 Malfoy sighed again out of frustration this time.

 'How am I going to get that girl to like me?', he thought.  

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