Chapter 1. Adventures en Egypt

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                                                                CAIRO, 1376 BEFORE NE.

"Great," Jane admired, as the travelers emerged from the light of the time machine. The crow disconnected the device and hid it in his pocket. It was so hot that it was hard to breathe. The wind was and as if it was not at all: so the air was standing around and was so stale that it was simply horror. The temperature must have been over 50!

- We in 1376 BC, the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, the most brilliant government in the history of Egypt and the heyday of the ancient Egyptian civilization. But we arrived, we might say, in the middle of the Pharaoh's reign, because Amenhopet came to power in 1388 BC.

- And how can we communicate here? - Jane asked, thinking, - Ancient Egypt ... We do not know anything, can not, can not ... This is unthinkable ..

- We have a computer," explained the Crow. "Something he'll give." Although I blew up one device on the Titanic that we would be saved, but there are other analytical instruments.

- Tell me, here you put the time machine in your pocket ..

- The activation key is only," corrected the Crow. "The machine itself is a time in the neural space."

- Well yes. So, what will happen if you lose the activation key, or you lose it.

- I will not lie: If there was now Agni in the Time Center, there would be no problems, because he would simply activate the device, being in our time from the base and that's it. He would also launch utilities and destroy the code on this device, - explained the Crow. the center is empty due to the absence of Agnia or the FIG knows who, the loss or breakdown of this unit will mean for us that we will be stuck forever in the era where this device was lost or broken! I'm not lying to you, so it's better if I tell you the whole truth.

- So we must protect him," Jane said. "Yes?"

- Precisely,- Raven nodded,- All right.

Let's walk a little, learn here, look at the style of communication of people, on food and clothing, you need to look like the people of ancient Egypt. And the word "dude" here is unlikely to prokanaet ..

At that time ordinary life was boiling on a small market: merchants traded their goods, and the Egyptians who were around again were engaged in ordinary affairs: who bought, who was just looking, and so on.

A young couple who did not seem to walk, but floated along the streets of the market, stood out slightly against the background of others. Their clothes were slightly richer and the look, especially of the girl, was too arrogant.

The young guy was called Idmon, and his beloved was named Chiona.

Hiona could simply defeat her beauty. A slim figure, thin lips, a slightly oval face, golden-silver hair that dispelled in a weak, barely noticeable wind, but so thin women's hair was very sensitive even to such an inconspicuous breeze of the breeze. The girl was dressed stylishly - pleated clothes with thin fabrics and numerous abundance of gold and enamel jewelry. Hiona wore a necklace (collar-necklace), consisting of multi-colored beads, to which the girl had a great predilection. She loved wealth. On the shoulder straps of Hiona there were bracelets.

Idmond was dressed simpler, he looked stylish: tall, slender, athletic, the young man was burning with the desire to marry Hion, but her parents, so far, were not allowed to marry.

- It's so good that we are together," Idmond began, "you do not know, and why your parents will not bless our marriage?"

- I'm sorry, I will not touch upon this topic." Hiona bought a ceramic vase and sat down on a bench, thoughtfully considered the drawings and symbols on it. Idmont sat down beside him and continued:

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