Chapter 5. The secret becomes explicit.

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 There were minutes, hours, like days. At least so it seemed the Crow, who was already a little tired of Ancient Egypt. In parallel, the Crow was interested in the merchants and some passers-by, whether they saw a man who was described as being similar to Agnia, but no. Nobody noticed anything. The Crow already wanted to go to the Andes, to rest for a couple of days, or in the next era. This affair cast on Raven anguish and anger at himself, that he has such a technique, travels in time and could not prevent these murders.
- Why did you shout that I was running away? asked Erbi. The girl apparently only realized.
- Because you were in the room two hours ago and saw your wife, Jane replied.
- I was not.
- How it was not? Jane asked, looking at Erbi in surprise.
- Yes, my sister was her, - Raven waved his hand nervously. - She gave herself out for you and came to Madu, she and the murderer, most likely.
- How can you say that? - Erbi went on shouting, - I know my sister well, she can not! Fargis is not like that.
- Tell me, where exactly does she live?- asked the Crow.
- Luxor,- Erbi said,- But where exactly, I do not know. And what?
- I'm going to Luxor,- the Crow snapped, and Erby looked at Crow in surprise.
- In terms of? Like this?
- He can,- Jane looked admiringly at the Crow,- Modern technology!
Raven in the open pulled the remote from his pocket and after a second disappeared, and poor Erby just screamed in horror. She did not understand what had happened, and the passer-by, even, fell to the ground and began to beat his head against the grass.


It's getting dark. But Melia and Diktis were not up to sleep. They found places on their own because of the fact that Hiona did not appear for a long time. Melia was exhausted so much that all trembled, as if from a cold. But it was not cold at all, but a nervous tremor that pierced the woman's body like a cold steel dagger.
- I'm at the market,- Melia said.
- No, I am against.
- I said that I'm going to look for a daughter, I'm at the market, - Melia cut off.
- I'll be home if she comes back, I'll calm her down and tell her where you are, be careful," Dictis said, and Melia ran out into the street and ran to the market.
The woman did not notice anything. She impulsively fled to the market. Melia ran so fast that she did not notice the person standing in front and literally knocked the unfortunate man down, jumped over him and ran on without looking at the fallen man.
After reaching the market, Melia cried out:
- Have you seen my daughter? Where's Chiona?
- Chiona? A ! - The trader at the northern entrance began to recall, - Today your daughter was taken to the pharaoh!
- For what? cried Melia. "What's wrong?"
The merchant wanted to answer, but the woman waved her hand and ran towards the palace of the pharaoh.


Raven moved to Luxor. His goal was to find out information about Sister Erby - a girl named Fargis. If you believe Madou, she works here in the museum, but Madou was inclined to lie a lot, so the Crow has every reason not to trust this person.
Arriving at the central museum of Luxor, Crow spoke:
- Hello. I'm from Cairo. You have a woman named Fargis.
- Fargis? - asked the staff member of the museum. - I do not remember something. Now, I'll call the authorities. Maybe they will help you.
- Fargis works for us, she's in the vault now. Will you call her? - Asked a man in business clothes, coming to the Raven.
- If it is possible, I will be grateful,- said the Crow, and remarked to himself: "What the fuck is this? Sister is here, and then someone pretended to be ..."
For the first time, Raven panicked for Jane, because he left it with ... with ... But we will deal with this a little later, and now ..
- Hello, - Fargis left the corridor and greeted the Raven, - I'm Fargis.
- Typhon,- the Crow introduced himself,- I'm on your sister's question - Erby."
- What with her? exclaimed Fargis, almost fainting.
- She's all right,- Raven could not take his eyes off this girl: elegant, slender, beautiful. Black and silver hair braided in 22 pigtails. Each pigtail was in its ornament. The first pigtail was braided in the shape of a snake, and below it was a black bead, apparently meaning the eye. The second pigtail was more round in shape and gently flowed into the third and fourth, as if connected by an invisible thread. The fifth, sixth and seventh braids were braided in six turns, intertwined on the head cross to the cross and pinned behind the barrette, which connected five more braids. Two more long braids, almost to the belly of the girl, stretched along the torso of Fargis and at equal intervals the distances on the long braids were golden beads. The girl's hair developed from the breeze of a light breeze, shimmering and playing her peculiar dances, as if playing among themselves in her dumb games. The eyes of Fargis were green-blue, glowing with innocence and kindness. The sun's rays fought off the cornea of ​​Fargis's eyes and returned back, as if in the eyes to the Raven, thus pouring into the sunny rabbits. The face was oval in shape, but the nose was short and gently underlined eyebrows arched. Such a symmetry of beauty on the face. The girl dressed was very beautiful, stylish and fashionable clothes, on the shirt was an ornament in the form of the goddess Isis, and below the signature on the Egyptian: "I beg you Isis for love and affection."
- And what's the deal then? - Fargis looked away from the Crow, who also involuntarily lowered his head, and then looked around just the room in which he was.
- Are you ready to go to Cairo now? asked the Crow.
- I would be happy, but the distance.
- You will not believe me, but now believe it, - Raven took the girl by the hand, - Believe me. Your sister may be in danger. Are you ready to experience something that you have never experienced?
- Yes,- Fargis nodded, and Crow activated the teleporter and a second later they returned to Cairo, where Jane and Erbi were waiting for them.
Fargis, who understood nothing at first, simply cried out, and then rushed to her sister and embraced her, shouted:
- Hi dear! I do not understand how this young man did it, but I'm glad to see you!
- I'm glad to see you, too, sis." Erby hung on her sister's neck. While the sisters were talking and hugging, then Raven and Jane stepped aside and for the first time exchanged their versions of what was happening:
- I'm at a dead end,- Jane said,- You know, it seems to me that we're missing something." I've noticed a lot of suspicious things, but ..
- I'm glad you're all right,- Raven hung on Jane's neck,- I was so worried about you.
- Why should you worry about me? - Jane was surprised by the words of a friend.
- I just left you with her, I thought she was the murderer ... But then .. Fargis!"
- What? What?- Jane was nervous.

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