Chapter 3. Mysterious death

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Raven and Jane had almost left the market, when suddenly the girl noticed that in the direction of the eastern part of the market, guards, a doctor and several people in representative clothes were running.
- Something's wrong,- Jane said,- Let's go, maybe we can help in some way."
- But in the same place this trader,- the Crow remembered,- he can recognize us and this will harm him."
- What if it's him? And if it's our fault, - Jane began to get nervous.
- Mystics does not exist, I hope so,- Raven nervously shrugged his shoulders,- We had a consequence of the heat and nothing more, understand this once and for all!
- I'm not used to the heat, so,- Jane mused.
- Well,- the Raven nodded.
- But you're used to it,- Jane continued.
- Yes.
- Then explain your behavior at night,- Jane remembered, and Raven thought,- Did you notice that it was over when we left the market?
- It was like that,- the Raven nodded,- All right, let's go there." Let's see what happened there.
When Raven and Jane approached the place of the incident, they saw that the merchant was lying on the grass under the counter and did not give any signs of life. Jane screamed and cried, and Raven remained calm and cool.
- So it is,- he said, connecting the mini-translator: now he can communicate in the ancient Egyptian language. "We are not to blame, this coincidence!" And we will not leave here until the guilty will not be punished!
- And your brother's quest?"

- To hell with it," the Crow waved his hand. "Agnius would have acted the same way, I know that."
The guards covered the merchant's body, but the Crow approached them and said quietly:-
- Good day, we are investigating the death of the merchant. He died under unclear circumstances. We do not disclose our names for the purposes of the secrecy of the investigation.
- Do you want to examine the body?- asked the guard,- Please."
The raven leaned over the body, and Jane struggled to keep the same brand, but she was ill near the dead man. But she took herself in hand, taking the example from the Crow.
- What do you think?- Jane asked quietly, seeing the Raven's thoughtful and alert look.
- He was killed, behind, but not with a blunt object, because I did not find any traces of mechanical damage."
- And how then?- Jane asked.
- Look, little point,- the Crow drew attention,- It's poison. He was poisoned.
The crow stood up and addressed the Egyptians gathered here:
- The trader was killed, he was poisoned! The earnest request of all who saw or heard something suspicious, turn to us and tell everything that you saw.
- I saw,- some Egyptian blurted out,- When I stood at his counter, he cried out that I saw the night demons at that alley."
- So it's m ...- Jane began, but the Crow shoved at her.
- Be silent! We do not need it! And what else did you see?
- It seemed to me, - the neighboring merchant spoke already, - that behind his counter in the bushes a shadow in a black cloak flashed, but I do not know for sure.
- What did this shadow look like?- asked Jane,- What was remarkable about her?
- I would say that it was a female figure, but it was difficult to understand.
- Jealousy,- Raven suggested,- But very few facts, very few.
Jane bent over the bushes and began to scrutinize the thickets in search of some suspicious things, but could not find anything except a small piece of a black cloak with two golden beads around the edge.

- Look what I found,- Jane showed the find to the Raven, who carefully examined it and praised Jane:
- Well done, the stories about Sherlock were not in vain for you!
- I'm trying,- Jane was pleased.
The Egyptians were watching in wonder the actions of Crow and Jane, no one really understood what they were doing. And they did the usual things of modern times - they were investigating the murder.
- So, - Raven again turned to the crowd, - Who saw in which direction the man in the black cloak went? I will be grateful.
- I saw - a child ran out of the crowd. - It ran for those counters, and so there was a noise and silence.
- Thank you,- the Crow thanked him. He realized that the investigation had exhausted itself, so Raven ordered to take the body and gave the command to everyone

Jane Gray and the Raven Idols. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now