Chapter 7. Madness continues

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"Wolf Volkovic is at your service," the man introduced himself. "Girls!" Do not hide behind me, I've seen many things in my time.

"Another perverted muzhik?" asked Erbi, dressing.

"At last," J said, relieved. For a girl, such shamelessness was wild and incomprehensible. She was brought up in very strict mores, and she just did not take this kind of behavior. She could not afford this and let someone say that it's bad! No, it's the opposite, deserves the highest praise!

"It's not over, darling." Fargis patted Jane's hair. "We'll seduce Crow."

"Do not be tempted," the Raven shook his head.

"Where you're going," Erby smiled slyly.

- Khe-khe, - Wolf decided to remind of his presence.

"Oh, yes." Jane bowed. "Good afternoon, sir."

- Hello, my lady. You are so polite, - Wolf also bowed in response to the girl, not yet knowing who it was. Intervening in history is such a risky move that the Wolf could not yet realize that Raven ventured to intervene in history and save the real historical face. But there is nothing bad in this.

- You've already received ..

"Come on," the Wolf resolved. "Somehow it's wrong."

"Are you already in the know?" Jane asked, pacing up and down the room.

"To begin with, I want to say that I'm surprised at these inventions in your laboratory." The wolf looked around the room, looking at the instruments. "Such technologies are already talking about something."

"Tell me about yourself," Fargis asked.

"What do you want to know, my young lady?" asked the Wolf. "May I sit down?"

- Of course, of course, - Fargis moved the chair to the Wolf. Sitting down, the man thought about something. There was silence. The pause lasted a long time, but no one hurried the professor. Finally the man continued:

- I had a very stormy childhood and had a stormy life.

- And how old are you? asked Erby.

"You will not believe it," Wolf waved his hand. "Nobody believes."

"We will."

- I was born 35 Irs in 4765 according to the Rilon calendar.

- I'm sorry, what? asked the Crow.

"It's the calendar of our galaxy." On earth I was born when you had a life on your planet, "answered the Wolf.

"It can not be," Jane shook her head. "You can not be that old!" It's impossible. You are entangling something.

"I can not confuse my birthday," the Wolf shook his head. "And you remind me of someone very much." Highly.

- And what else do you tell? asked Erby.

- I can briefly tell, on my planet I have been working as a high-speed train driver for 79 years, connecting the two continents with each other. 24 billion people live on our planet.

- Wow! - The raven was surprised to insanity.

"Yes, that's right," the Wolf scratched behind his ear. "We do not have wars, we have a quiet and peaceful life." Do you want to go together live there? The climate there is similar.

- No, - Raven shook his head, spreading his hands in different directions, saying, making a gesture: are you that idiot or what? !!, - On your planet we have nothing to do, since everything is OK! If we leave the Earth, someone will take on the role of heroes, trying to change the course of history for the better!

"Do you know that interference in history can have devastating consequences?" asked the Wolf.

- Yes, but so far I, except positive changes, do not see anything.

- And what did you do? asked the Wolf. "Tell me, what contribution have you made to history?"

"Saved by Jane Gray," answered the Crow. "The lady of my heart, the love of my life."

"That very nine-day-old queen," the Wolf remembered the story of the Tudors. "So it's you ..

"Yes, I'm Jane Gray," the girl introduced herself. "The raven saved me, I'm grateful to him and will always be faithful to him, my savior." And nothing on Earth will separate us. I swear.

"I swear," Raven took Jane's hand. "Nothing on Earth will separate us!"

"It was dangerous," the Wolf shrugged his shoulders. "Such interference in history." That beats me!

"He also tried to save the Titanic," said Fargis admiringly. "And he saved us from ancient Egypt."

"You should not have called this schmuck," Erbi whispered into her ear. "Send him somewhere and forget about him, as if he were not at all."

"And who will help us find Agnia," the Crow whispered. "Let him find him, then, buy it."

"Does not pride hold you back, are you so stupid that you will not find it yourself."

"We can not find them, believe me."

"And he will," laughed Erbi, but too loudly.

"I'll try to find," the Wolf drew his gaze to Erby. "I can not guarantee anything, but I'll try." In the meantime, I will tell you about myself and about my planet. It was 46 years ago, on the day of the vernal equinox.

Jane Gray and the Raven Idols. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now