Chapter 8. Jane Gray is a unique person

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The wolf had been tinkering for three whole hours in instruments and various panels. Specialist made every effort to find at least some slightest clue about Agnia, but in vain: nothing, all by zeros.

- How's it going? "Raven poured himself a cup of coffee and walked slowly to the professor." Will you have a coffee? "

"It will not hurt for the brain effect," the Wolf nodded approvingly. "So. We have three things. Agni has disappeared, I am here and we must find him.

- Hmm .. Is this a joke? - The crow was puzzled. - You did not say anything new. I'm asking about concrete facts, not polemics. Please, I'm waiting.

"Your Jane is still with her sisters," said the Wolf.

- Cleverly translate the topic, not for nothing you are the best, as you are called in the Cosmos.

- I was awarded an intercosmic award from the planet Oberig, - boasted the Wolf, - I'm smart in the Universes.

"Tell me in fact," the Crow sat down on the carpet and threw his legs behind his legs. "I'm waiting." Or you can find Agnia, or not, and I will forget him.

"Are you ready to forget your brother?"

"I sacrificed them for the sake of saving Jane, on the mountain, although I did not see that he was in the funnel, I saved Jane, who hung over the cliff, but I genuinely feel that even if I had seen it, I still chose- would Jane - Raven strained memory, trying to remember at least some nuances of the day.

"Call Jane," the Wolf asked.

- What for?

"The question about Agnia, she was just hanging over the precipice, and her eyes were towards Agnia, are not they?"

"Yes," answered the Crow. "And what does this matter for our business?"

"Call her."

"Jane, can you come?" cried the Crow.

- Oh sure. Honey, wait, I'm right now. "Jane ran to the Crow and continued." I'm listening, is something wrong? "

"Tell me, do you remember the day when Agni was gone?" - said the Wolf, putting the cup away from coffee.

"Vaguely." Jane closed her eyes, most likely she was thus hoping to remember some trifles of that ill-fated day. "I remember that lightning struck from the west side of the mountain, from Argentina." Then Agnius showed me with gestures that I was silent, but I still tried to inform the Crow, only he was to take my secondary salvation. Now I owe him and I'm ready to sacrifice myself for the Crow.

"Me too," Raven took Jane's hand. "Me neither."

"You are ready, and Agni already sacrificed," said the Wolf, closing the notebook. "That's all."

- What? Jane froze. Tears rolled down the cheek of the girl. She felt guilty about this, if she did not go to the edge, would not fall down, then nothing would happen, it would.

- What does your "everything" mean? - The raven was alarmed in earnest, - Tell me, do not pull it.

"It's not possible to find Agnia," the Wolf shook his head in disappointment. "I checked the whole base, I did everything that depended on me.

"Wait," Jane shouted suddenly. "You idiots." I'm a fool Medieval, we're dummies! We have the same time machine, but why do not we just go on it to the past, the day Agni went missing and change it?

"No," the Crow interrupted. "My dear, you think I did not think about it." I'm afraid to interfere, suddenly I will break something and you will disappear. After all, then there was a choice or a brother or you. I chose you, so I will not venture to interfere in the original story.

"Do you sacrifice a brother for me?" Jane was surprised again. The girl has already forgotten for this, and today her memory was refreshed. She was grateful to the Raven, she already had time to fall in love with him, because she belonged to amorous girls, but this was still incomprehensible to the pious and pure soul of Jane. She could not imagine such a thing.

"Yes," answered the Crow. "Yes, he's my brother, but not my destiny." My destiny is you, Jane.

"Thank you," Jane said, embracing the Crow. "I'll never forget this attitude to myself." Wolf. Is there a chance to find Agnia?

- There is a chance, but minimal.

"Raven, can I take a walk around Santiago," Jane asked.

"It's dangerous, there's a big and cruel city, and you're from a different era, you're not used to it yet." You are too well-bred, - Raven was categorically against.

"You saved me then, you'll save it now." Jane looked pleadingly at the Crow. "I need to unwind." OK?

- Well, go, - Raven nodded, - Only by the evening return, or else I will find you and return it myself!

"What a caring one." Jane looked gratefully at the Crow, who turned on the teleporter and sent the girl to Santiago, into one of the parks.



Jane found herself in the city. The feelings that encompassed the mind of the girl were varied: it was both shock and delight. She threw something in the heat, then in the cold. The blown wind quirked the beautiful red hair of the queen to various sides. Jane was the first to take a deep breath in the clean mountain air that blew from the slopes of the Andes. Looking at the mountains, Jane waved her hand, as if waving to the base, to the Crow.

It's time to look around. The girl's gaze flew in different directions. She did not know where to start, so while millet sat down on a bench in the middle of the park alley.

The park was quite big. Along the central avenue, dozens of palm trees, neatly trimmed lawns were planted in a row, and the bushes were carved in the shape of various animals. There were also lions, and tigers, and monkeys, and even a dinosaur from a huge tree with sprawling branches that grew horizontally.

"How beautiful," Jane said aloud. "That would be so in my England!"

Sitting now in 2018 in a park in Chile, Jane suddenly again remembered her homeland - England. She thought about how they lived there before and how they live in her homeland now. Raven told that life in England is one of the best in the world now, and Jane wanted to change her life for the better and in 1553, only she was not allowed to do it. She did not have time to become an adult, so as to independently enact laws at the state level, because she really wanted to have time to pass a law that banned the stigmatization of the poor, and wanted very much to solve the problems of sanitation and education among ordinary peasants. But this was not destined to happen at that time. And now she is rescued by Voron Idukanov, but her views are the same. She could not have been otherwise.

Jane sat up from the bench and walked slowly toward the city. The girl simply enjoyed freedom, she breathed a full breast and thanked the Lord for her mercy and such a life.

Watching life around, Jane tried to remember the way of modern life, but could not, she was brought up in very different ways. She was a completely different person.

Ahead in the sand frolicking children, playing catch-up. A girl in a red shirt painted a triangle on the sand, and in it the word "Amor". Jane knew Spanish well, so she knew what it was. This is Love.

"You're drawing well, my lady." Jane leaned over the girl. "Love with all your heart, so that no one can separate you from the grave." And after parting in this world, you will live forever in another world!

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