Chapter 9

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Y/N left the bakery but there was something in her heart deep down she felt wrong and guilty she shouldn't have misbehaved but he was the one who hit her first. Since Y/N was really tired she opened her room to find Hime already there.

Y/N: Hey didn't you leave with Jhope?

Hime: Oh I came back early.

Y/N: Is everything ok? You seem much more depressed than I left you. Where did you guys go?

Hime: Nothing.....just sat at the nearby park and talked but I just don't feel right. Jhope isn't like what he used to be.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Hime: Don't act like you don't know anything!

Y/N: *stared at the ground not making eye contact* umm...I-I really wanted to tell you but---

Hime: It's okay let's face it cause its reality!!!! Every time I wanna be with him or am around him he keeps asking of you. Keeps talking about you like I am nothing. Y/N I think he likes you more than me!!! But you should have told me that you.... YOU LIKE HIM SO I SHOULDN'T HAVE EVEN BOTHERED NOR CARE ABOUT HIM!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? *crying*

Y/N: No No Hime stop crying it isn't what you think.



Hime: *Stopped crying*

Y/N: Girl would you relax. Calm down first it's bad to cry when you still not know what the truth is!!! *gave a glass of water*

Hime: *drank water**wiped her tears* What's that I don't know?

Y/N: Hime actually Jhope had confessed long back when he was a senior and we were sub senior to me but I always knew that you loved him more than I did. The way you used to make his birthday card never forgetting to wish him exactly at 12 how you cared for him when he was sick I knew everything I know you very well!! You are a kind caring person I am happy to have you as my friend and always by my side. And so I said a no right after hearing the words "I like you" those words are deserved for you not me I don't deserve it. I never wanted to depress you or make you unhappy by any means this is my love for you I like somebody else---

Hime: *suddenly pulled Y/N into a hug* I love you so much Y/N!!! Thankyou for always thinking about me!!! And being there for me when I am not well physically and mentally.

Y/N: You're welcome just always stay happy thats what I wanna always see your cheerful side and that bright smile!!!

We started laughing out loud making the neighbours think that we are drunk but what else can you do all the misunderstandings are cleared. I told her about Taehyung and what happened between us Hime said that I shouldn't have acted childish men always like teasing someone they like so I got the point but a question arose in my head and I asked "How did you know that Jhope liked me?"

Hime: cause of the signs he gave me like today I said I'm going to leave tomorrow and he didn't bother a bit but suddenly asked if you were okay and were staying alone. Always talks about you.

Y/N: see he is a friend so he might be worried about you from inside and doesn't show you!

Hime: Really?

Y/N: Yeah some guys have these habits they don't show their worries.

Hime: But at least he could have asked If I was ok and would have comforted me. Honestly tell me if you like him back I swear I won't get mad.

Y/N: really he is not my type.

Hime: then who is your type?

Y/N: Heheheheh >~< ♥♥♥

Hime: Aaah okay I know is it the baker you like? Kim Taehyung~~~~♥♥♥ (*3*)

Y/N: Ughhhh why is my tummy tickling me!!! Don't do this to me huhuhuhu *fake crying*

Hime: *love slap* I know you like him. Or love him? *wiggling eyebrows*

Y/N: M-maybe? Hahahahahahahahahahaha I am gone crazy just stop it would yah!

Hime: Btw I want to see how he looks like so I can tell him to take care of you while I'm gone.

Y/N: Honestly you don't have to do that!

Hime: why not besides I haven't seen the bakery yet! And tomorrow I have my flight so let's go eat and let me see who the handsome guy is btw Jhope is gonna be there to lets go!

Y/N: but me and Taehyung just argued and were in a fight I don't wanna see him right now.

Hime: Yah stop acting childish let's go!! *dragged me out of the house*

Married To a Baker Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now