"Don't cry like a bitch"

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Its Monday and you know what that means.

It's the start of cancer fucking with my friend day.  Let's just say that if cancer was a person, he'd be dead after five minutes in a room with me.

"Jayden get down here, we're going to see Frankie."

Jayden trudges down the steps looking pissed.

Jay and I are identical twins.  He has the same brown almost black hair as me, and blue eyes.

"Dude, you'll see her later do we have to go know?"

Shit I never told him she has cancer.

"Yeah, we kind of have to go know, because Frakies is starting chemo therepy today."  I sigh.  "She got fucking cancer dude."

Jayden looks genuinely concerned.  Which is weird for him because he used to torture Franks when we were all kids.

One time he stuffed a worm down her throat, and she had been throwing up so much her mom had to take her to the hospital.

"Fuck, Jade, I don't know if I can go see her if she's gonna look really bad."

"Well, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to get used to it cause we have to be there all the time.  We're working on something for her."

"What do you mean?"  Jayden asks with a curious look.

"It's almost like a bucket list, except she likes to call it the Fuck-It List."  I explain.

"She has all this stuff she wants to do, and I she wants me to help her with it and, well, I guess you're gonna help too now that you know about it."

I let him think about this as we walk out of the house to my car.  When we get in, he looks over at me.


"Okay, what?"  I ask confused and annoyed.

"Okay, I'll help you guys."  He just shrugs his shoulders and turns on the radio, signaling that the conversation is over.


The ride to the hospital is pretty short, about fifteen minutes.

When we get in I call her mom to find out where Frankie is.

Jay and I take the elevator to the sixth floor, the one for Cancer patients.

When we get the number of her room, it isn't until I see it pained on the door that I realize something.

That's the same room that Frankie's dad died in when he had lung cancer four years ago.  And she has to eat and sleep in the same bed that he died in.

Now that's just fucked up.

Now, Jayden and I both know this because are families are extremely close.  So I'm not surprised when Jayden asks.

"Is that…" 

"Yeah.  It is, man"  I finish the sentence for him.

I sigh.

I turn the handle of the door and walk in. 

She's conneted to all kinds of machienes with multiple wires in her body.  You can already tell her colorful locks aren't going to be there for long.

I gasp and let out a cry at how Frankie looks.

Jay's eyes widen and his mouth is hung open a little.

"Frankie"  I cry out with tears stinging my eyes.

"Hey" she says her voice barely audible.  "Don't cry like a bitch, Jade."

I laugh still with tears in my eyes.  I guess this is a good sign if she's joking like she is when we are at my house.

That's when she looks over at Jay.

"Hi, Frankie."

Okay something is wrong with my brother.  He is acting really shy and quiet, a big contrast to his normally loud and roudy self.

"Um, hey Jay."

And know there is something wrong with Franks.  She is acting really shy with my brother, when normally she would make a smart ass comment even if she was in a hospital bead with cancer.

And that's when I realize.

They haven't seen each other in three years.

Three years ago, Jay went to a high school that was far away from here because my parents thought it would "do him some good".  He actually really liked it, so he would stay down there for the summers.

But now he's back for his senior year here.

And since Franks was still considerd an annoying fifteen year old girl, I guess he kind of for got that she grew up too.  And that now even with cancer she still had a banging body, and looks that most girls would kill for.

So basically my brother and Frankie haven't seen how each other had grown into their good looks.


"Well, this whole Fuck-It list should be a lot more fun now."  I say with the biggest grin on my face.

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