"Fuck it he's smoking"

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"Well I've got to go take a call, bye you two."

"Jade don't you even think-."

And she has officially left me with Jayden.  And the next thing he does makes me want to vomit.

He puls out a cigaret.

"What the fuck?!"

"What?"  He says it like he has no clue what so ever.

"You are smoking, in a hospital, in a room with a LUNG CANCER PATIENT!?  Where is there any logic in that?  I mean, I already have fucking cancer, but you, you're lucky cause you might not get it, and that thing in your mouth, is giving you a better chance to aquire some."

"I'm not gonna light it."

"What?"  I say increduously.

"I stick them in my mouth when I'm nervous or sad or something.  One day, when I have something or someone, to be truly sad or nervous about, I'll light it.  That day, will be the one day I smoke, and it will be the worst day of my life."

"Hmm.  Interesting.  But what are you worried about now?"

"You.  I haven't seen you in years, but I feel it's my mission to help you complete your Fuck-It list, which by the way I'm shortening down to The List."

"M'kay.  I'll be nice and let you pick first off the list, as you can see, your sister and I already did the crazy hair one."



My eyes scroll down the list, trying to find something on the list to do first.  This is a hard task, you see, for everything on this list looks really fun.

My eyes land on Number 3.

Flip off Queen Bitchy.

"Okay, I call dibs on this one, I'll even do it for you at school tommorow!"

"Yes!  Finally, I really want that one to have a big ole red 'x' on it!"

Right after that statement, a nurse comes in saying that I have to leave so Franks can sleep.

"See ya Franks."

"See ya Jay."  She responds with a slight smile.

Fuck it!  I think I'm falling in love with this girl.


The next day i get ready for school, and Jade isn't yelling at me to hurry up, because I'm actually on time.

"What's got you all up and ready this morning?"

"The List."  I respond.  "I'm completing Number 3 today."

"Ah man!  I wanted to do that one!"

"Too bad, I called dibs and Franks said I could."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

We pull into the parking lot and I decide to eait until first period.  I know she'll miss class for me because this girl is obsessed with me.

The bell rings signaling that first period is gonna start.

"Hey, Aubree."

"Oh hey Jay!"  Ugh she's twirling her hair and it makes me want to hurl.

"Yeah, so why are you such a bitch?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me.

"I am not a bitch, I've even offered to sleep with you."

I snort.

"Because when you sleep with someone, it suddenly makes you the best person in the world."

"What is the even about?"

"Well, my friend Franks, you know her right?  Well she has lung cancer and might not live, so she asked me to do this in her honor."

"Wait, but I've never done anything to her.  And really, lung cancer?"

That's not the point.

"She looks at how you torture boys and girls alike every day.  I have to admit, no one has guts like she does.  Oh by the way, this is from her too."

I flip her double middle fingers as I stalk off to my next class. 

You got the big ole "x" you wanted Franks.

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