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Quote: "Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through and start a new chapter in my life."

Published: March 26, 2018


Chapter 1: "Omega"

Everyday I was always scared of losing control over my werewolf side. Thanks to Peter, the used to be Alpha that is finally dead, I am now human again. Peter took away my werewolf side and being an Alpha too, to "make me better", kinda puts me a little on edge. Whatever he did to "make me better" I'm going to live my life as a human as long as possible.

Right now I was walking down the hospital hallway with two coffee's, one for me and the other for Stiles.

We were both here visiting Lydia and it has been about a week since Peter attacked her, but it's safe to say she is not a werewolf and is doing a lot better.

When I sit down next to Stiles he is fast asleep across a couple chairs with a get well balloon, that I brought for Lydia, is tied to his wrist. I set his coffee on the floor next to me while I slowly sip on mine, and Stiles starts to sleep talk.

"Ohh - just like that. No, no, you first. Me first?" He starts to say with a grin and I try my best not to laugh.

Lydia's dad, Mr Martin, comes out of her room as I hear him talk to my mom. "They've been here all night?" He asks her pointing to us, as Stiles then starts to make kissing faces and I can't help myself from laughing slightly while my mom answers Mr. Martin.

"They've been here all weekend." She answers him walking away.

"You're dirty." Stiles suddenly says and a nurse nearby cleaning out a trash can sends a glare our way. I completely ignore her though, staring down at him with a smile on my face as I suddenly get an idea.

I get out of my seat and bend down right near his ear and slightly yell. "Stiles!" He jolts awake from his chair almost falling out of it. I laugh my ass off as I sit back down next to him.

"It's not funny." He complains to me as he hits the balloon that is tied to his wrist.

"I beg to differ, 'cause I thought it was hilarious." I say as I laugh again and he slightly glares at me, but I can see the lovingly look in his eyes. "So, what were you dreaming about?" I ask him with one of my eyebrows raised.

"What, n-nothing." He tried to deny.

"Really? So it had nothing to do with this." I slowly lean forward and as my lips touch his it takes him a second to kiss me back. When I break the kiss he stares at me a little dumbfounded and I slightly smile and hand him his coffee. "Come on, let's go get something from the vending machine, I'm hungry." I tell him as I get up and grab his hand pulling him with me.


We both get to the vending machine and I put in a few quarters and push a few buttons getting myself a Payday candy bar.

Stiles then puts in a few quarters and after looking at the machine a little bit he pushes a few buttons for a Reese's. The swirl thing starts to spin and at the last second the candy gets stuck on it.

"Seriously?" Stiles questions as I smile happily eating my Payday. He hits the machine trying to make it fall. He shakes the machine a little, then puts both arms around it making it look like he was going to pick it up. "Gah! It's not gonna work."

"Should have gotten a Payday like me." I taunt him and he sends a glare my way muttering a slight 'shut up'. Only making me smile a little more.

He turns back to the machine and starts to rock it back and forth, but he ends up rocking it a little too much as it starts to fall forward. It hits the floor with a loud crash and we both stare at the floor with open mouths.

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