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Quote: "Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations, on what you can be, have, or do."

Published: April 16, 2018


Chapter 4: "Abomination"

I just wish everything in our life would stop going wrong. Just of right now Scott and I are staring at a dead body of a hunter in the animal clinic.

While Scott asks questions on how Deaton knows all about the supernatural, Deaton is cleaning Scott's wounds that are on his stomach from Derek. And since Derek was an Alpha his wounds will take longer to heal.

My phone goes off and I check it to see Stiles' name pop up on the screen. I quickly answer it and put the phone against my ear.

"Stiles, thank god. Are you okay?" I quickly question.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I hear him sigh through the phone.

"Well, what happened? Where are you?"

"Erica. She kinda knocked me out with a piece from my jeep. So, now I'm at the mechanics garage. Do you mind meeting me here?"

My blood starts to boil at the thought of Erica doing that to him, but completely disappears into worry with just wanting to see him.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there in ten minutes." I quickly tell him and hang up.

I turn to tell Scott, but he is already holding out mom's car keys. "I heard." I go to take the keys out of Scott's hand and I notice Deaton stare at the mark on my wrist. Before he is even able to question it tires squeal from outside of the clinic. Scott and I quickly go into the other room. I go through the back door and out to the car while Scott stays behind to eavesdrop on the Argents.


I get to the mechanics garage in less than ten minutes and I quickly rush inside. Stiles is sitting inside and as the door chimes it catches his attention as he quickly stands up.

I rush to him and jump into his arms as he catches me, I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him as close to me as I could. "I'm glad your okay." I whisper in his ear as I pull away and he sets me back down onto the floor. I look him over to be surprised that there isn't a bump on his head from Erica.

I lean into him as we hear the mechanic working in the back and I pull away when Stiles rushes into the back and I follow after him.

"Hey! Hey!" Stiles yells trying to get the mechanics attention. "Wh - what do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter."

"Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system has got to be replaced here."

"Why do I get the feeling you're slightly over-estimating the damage?" I question catching the mechanics attention as he stops working to look towards me. "Eyes up here." I tell him as his eyes start to check me out and Stiles grabs onto my hand possessively.

"Seriously? You and him?" They mechanic questions pointing between the two of us.

"Yes, me and him. 'Cause I would rather be with a guy who is sweet and not a jerk like you." I fire back.

The mechanic has nothing to say back as he turns to start working again and continues the conversation from earlier. "It's probably gonna run you around like twelve-hundred parts and labor." He states.

"Are you kidding? This thing doesn't have a catalytic converter. And yes, I know what a catalytic converter is." Stiles complains.

The mechanic stops working and faces Stiles and I. "Do you know what a limited slip differential is?"

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