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Quote: "Never get to attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one sided expectations can mentally destroy you."

Published: June 11, 2018


Chapter 12: "Masterplan"

I'm in the boys' locker room with Scott and Isaac along with the other Lacrosse players as Sheriff Stilinski talks to us.

"I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles." He informs the three of us. "His jeep is still out in the parking lot, so that means - the hell, I don't know what that means. Um - look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him.."

"We'll call you." Isaac finished for him.

"Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something," I reassure him even though I don't even know where he's at. "We'll find him."

"Yeah. I'll see you, okay?" Stilinski says before he walks away.

"McCall." Coach lightly says to Scott as he walks over to us. "We need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up."

"Yeah, I know, coach."

"Alright." He says about to leave before turning back to Scott. "I mean, I - I know I yell a lot, but it's not like I hate you guys. Well I kind of hate Greenberg, but, you know, that's different. It's Greenberg. I'm just saying we - I need you on the team. Get your grades back up."

"I will."

"I know." He says before walking away.

"Is that everyone?" I ask Isaac, making sure everyone is out of the locker room.

"I think so." Isaac answers and Scott rips Stiles' locker door off its hinges before throwing it to the floor. "You're gonna find him by scent?" Isaac asks.

"Yeah, we both are." Scott states for the both of them.

"But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac asks as I laugh at the predicament.

"We need to talk." I hear as I look over to see Derek.

Peter then walks out from behind the wall.

"All of us." He states.

"Holy shit." Scott says shocked to see him.

"Zoey, it's good to see you again." Peter tells me and he sends me a smirk as he ignores Scott.

I feel this pent-up rage inside of me even though I barely caught a glimpse of him the night of Lydia's party, I can't help but feel the anger build up inside me. I throw my hands forward as I throw Peter into a wall and denting it slightly.

"O - okay. I deserved that." Peter grunts out as he stands from the floor. "I see my trick worked, little witch."

"Don't call me that." I say through anger.

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