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Quote: "When life beats you down, never give up. Always keep fighting."

Published: June 4, 2018


Chapter 11: "Battlefield"

I wake up the next morning and get ready for school, despite of everything that has happened last night. Apparently after Matt ran out of the station he was drowned not that far away from there. Stiles called me this morning telling me that they found him dead by the river. And the only good thing, I guess, out of everything that has happened is Stilinski got his job back.

If you count about me finding out that I'm a witch as a good thing too. Then, I guess you're mistaken.

What I am, I have to protect my pack, my friends. It's so much responsibility, I don't think I can handle it, 'cause if anyone in my pack dies, it'll be all my fault.

A knock on my bedroom door brings me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Scott in the doorway.

"You ready to go?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I simply answer him and I grab my bag, swinging it over my shoulder. We walk out of my room and stop right in front of our mom's bedroom door.

"Mom." Scott calls out to her. "Mom, we're gonna have talk about this eventually." She doesn't even open the door, but we know she's inside her room.

"Okay. Okay, we're going." I tell her knowing she isn't going to talk to us. "We love you." I say for the both of us and we leave the house to head to school.

Stiles is at the school already talking to our school guidence counselor, Ms. Morrell. Lydia seems more normal than any of us. And Jackson obviously hasn't been himself, with Matt, his master being dead, we don't know what is to come at us.

Of course with Allison she's not really talking to any of us, especially with her mom being dead bcause of the night that she tried to kill Scott and I, Derek bit her. And as a lot of people know, when a hunter is bitten by an Alpha they have to take their own life.

Hunters hunt werewolves. When they become one, they're betraying everything that they were taught to be. To hunt. To kill. To barely feel any emotion.

The rest of us, that's supernatural or anyone involved in the supernatural world we are taught how to survive. To protect each other. Not just me having to protect my pack, but for my pack to also protect each other and themselves.


School was the same as ever. None of us really talking to each other. I'm getting ready right now into warmer clothes. I throw on a beanie completing my outfit, consisting of a Beacon Hills hoodie with Stiles' last name and Lacrosse number on it, jeans, and a pair of combat boots.

I hear a loud hiss and I quickly run out of my room and burst throught Scott's door and into his room.

I see Scott in his room and what shocks me is the Kanima is hanging from the wall with its tail wrapped around our mother's neck and holding her in the air.

"As you can see, Scott, Zoey, there's been some interesting developments lately." I hear a voice say and I look over to see it belong to Gerard as he sits in Scott's armchair. "I think we should catch up." Scott and I send him a glare and look back to our mom and the Kanima worriedly. Scott flicks his claws out as he looks to Gerard. "Come on, Scott, let's be realistic about who's got the upper hand here."

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