Chapter 13: Bas

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I am going crazy out of my mind for leaving my phone at home. There is no way I can give Mel a heads up about Marc Anthony's impromptu visit. The only thing that worries me, is my brother finding out I have a son. The child bears no resemblance to his father but his baby blue eyes can pass off as Nick's or Cole's. Tony isn't stupid and any lie I will come up with will have to be sold properly or he will drag both of us home and then we will have two men asking questions about the baby's paternity. I don't need that sort of drama.

When I opened the front door Marc seemed excited. He is obviously fascinated by the small space I call home.

"Well here we are!" I exclaimed nervously.

"It's cozy... cramped but cozy."

Mel is folding baby clothes while watching telly. When she saw us she gawked at Marc like she had seen the sun for the first time, yet again. She instantly stood up making her presence known as much as I am hinting her for a side chart.

"Who is this?" Marc asked.

"Mel." She beat me to it stretching her hand out.

Marc took it and the girl's smile is priceless! No doubt she also spent her teenage years staring at magazines and gawking at the five billionaires who I find to be quite ordinary men but they are supermen to the girl.

"Marc Anthony. It's a pleasure to meet you love. So, who are you?"

"Naila's roomie."

"Roomie aye?" Marc asked staring at me before his curious brown eyes caught the mess of baby stuff on the only couch we have.

He walked past us giving me a chance to nudge Mel and mouth some essential words of panic to her. I wasn't sure she got me but Marc ruined the moment when he turned to stare at us.

"There's a baby here."

"My baby." Mel suddenly stepped in to my surprise.

I would have contorted a baby sitting lie but hers is just as good.

"How old are you? Aren't you a little too young to be a mother?" He asked, darting his brown eyes at me in a rather curious manner.

He is like a blood hound when it comes to secrets. He sniffs them out. I tried to be very calm, knowing very well that he can probably sense my tension.

"Well my mother always said as long as you get your period, a baby is possible too. I screwed up and I ran a way from home to hide my shame. Naila found me in a shelter and she took me in. I had baby Sebastian a month ago."

Marc Anthony gave it some thought, obviously wondering whether to believe the young girl. After a moment of awkward silence he smiled nodding slightly.

"Congratulations Mel. Shit happens and I'm just glad you didn't take the easy way out and tried to get rid of it."

"Oh!" She exclaimed waving her hands. "Don't be silly! I would never do that! That would be cruel, right Naila?"

It almost felt like she is taking the opportunity to reprimand me for what I told her. I put on my best smile and nodded in agreement watching Marc's brown eyes narrowing at me almost like he can tell we are lying.

"Can I meet the wee lad then?" He asked setting his jacket on the sofa. "Perhaps Naila can brew us a cup of tea as you introduce me?"

He is purposely separating us to interrogate us individually. It is the oldest trick in the book and Marc is an ardent student of Wayne's book of distrust. I was tempted to follow them to my bedroom but then I don't want him to think I am acting out of character. I reminded myself that I am Naila Bellingerre and that I am always composed, handling stressful situations with nothing but pure grace.

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