Chapter 1

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Kensi pov.

I'm currently sitting here. Watching a dance competition. Mckeyla, my little sister, has to perform soon. I have asked Hetty for a free day to watch. I go to almost all of Mckeyla's competitions I just love to see her dance.

At work we had just started a new case. Some serial killer is out there, but I couldn't help them with it. I had alrealy promised Mckeyla that I would be here. My teammates are mostly confused, I think, at why I'm not there. But Hetty had already given me a day of. Mckeyla does know that I work at NCIS, but this is an important competition for her. If she does good she could win a crown of little miss energy.

"And now contestant number 38 Mckeyla with 'take it to go'." (play the video) She walks off stage and I can only be proud. She did a great job.

Later at the awards.

"And in second place... contestant number 25 Chloe." I clap for Mckeyla her teammate. "And then in first place and for the crown of little miss energy.... contestants number 38 Mckeyla!" Mckeyla gets a huge applause. This is her fifth crown. I'm so happy for her. She looks at me and smiles I smile back and give her a thumbs up.

After the dance competition in the car... (Mckeyla now wears the outfit on the picture above.)

"Mckeyla you did a perfect job."

"Thanks, Kensi. What are we going to do now? Or do you have to work?" Mckeyla asks. My smile vanishes.

"I don't know but as soon we're home, I'm gonna call my boss to asks if I have to go to work. Alright?" I asks.

"Yeah, fine. And it doesn't matter if you have to work. Then you can go catch some bad guys." We both laugh. "If you don't have to work can we go to the pool?"

"Yeah ofcourse little miss energy. It's your day to chose, because you won the whole competition." I say. She smiles proud of her performance.

At home...

Phone conversation, K - kensi, H - hetty

K - hello Hetty.

H - hello Kensi, why do you call?

K - I had a question. With that serial killer on the lose, do I have to come to work? Or can I stay home with Mckeyla. Because i have a babysitter if I have to come and it isn't fair to the guys I they have to catch the killer allone.

H - yes, I meant to call about this. If it can and you wouldn't disappoint Mckeyla with it. It would come if in quite handy if you could help. And if you come in now I will let you go to the pool or something with Mckeyla as soon as we got the killer. Deal?

K - yes I will be there in less then an hour. Bye

H - see you soon miss blye.

End of conversation.

I walk back to the living room where Mckeyla is watching tv. She sees me and turns of the tv.

"So you have to go to work?" She asks as if she could read my mind.

"Yeah I have to be there in an hour. But Hetty promised that as soon as this case is closed I get an free day to go to the pool with you. Alright?"

"Yeah, of course that's fine."

"I have already called the Jess she will be here in five minutes to watch you. Mom will come and get you at 7 p.m. If I'm not home by then." I say. I know she is only nine years old but she behaves like she is already ten or eleven. And she will be soon. Only two weeks then she is 10. . I love her so much. Most of the time when I'm at work and mom is not in town she is at the dance studio. She is homeschooled and get her lessons there. Also singing lessons and acting lessons. She loves it there. She is working on her own album. I'm so proud.

"Alright go get ready big sis. I will watch tv until Jess gets here." She says. I walk to my room and and put on some other clothes.

(This is what she is wearing)

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(This is what she is wearing)

And when I'm ready and walk to the livingroom again I see that Jess is already here and I have to go.

"Alright Jess, Mckeyla have fun. There is dinner in the kitchen. Bye. Love you Mckeyla." I say and I walk to Mckeyla to give her a hug.

"Bye sis. Good luck at work and I love you too." She lets me go and I walk to the door. I wave and close the door behind me. I get in the car and drive to osp.

At ops I get put of the car and walk to the desks. When I get there I see five faces staring at me.

"Hey guys." I say hoping they wouldn't say anything about me getting here so late.

"Where were you?" Callen asks me. Oh damn.

"I just had to do something. So were are we with the case? Did anything happen?"

"Yeah a lot, and you would know what if you were here." G says.

"Yeah but I couldn't be here. I had things to do, places to go. But now that I am here you could just inform me and get me up to speed so we can catch this killer."

"Yeah.... we got some fingerprints that just came back as our killer. His name is Daniel Labrant. I will just send the adress to your phones." Nell says awkwardly.

"Yeah who goes where?" Deeks asks.

"Kensi you and Deeks go to the boatshed and wait there for us. Sam and I will go to the house to see if he is here." Callen says.

"Are you letting me out of catching a serial killer, only because I wasn't here this morning. It's saver if we are with more then two people." I say hoping I could go with them.

"Yes you're right. It is saver with three. Deeks you go with us. Kensi you say at your desk go do some paperwork or something." Sam says. Now I'm getting really angry with them all. I cancelled my plans with my little sister for the thousandth time, for work. And then they say I can't do anything.

"Alright listen. I get it you are angry that I wasn't here this morning but I had important things to do. You guys don't need to know where or what. But Hetty knows and gave me permission. And if I can't do anything now I'm going to continue with what I was doing. Because I canceled thing that are important to me because I wanted to help you... but you obviously don't want my help." I walk away towards Hetty her office. "Hetty they won't let me do anything. Can I go back home and go to the pool with Mckeyla. She wants to go so badly and if I can't do anything here on my day off I don't see the point of staying."

"Yes, you can go. But can you please make sure you are at work monday and then you guys don't fight, alright?" Hetty says.

"Yeah. Bye Hetty till monday." I walk away past the desks, and I get my bag. My team is staring at me, but I ignore it. I get in my car and drive home. I get Mckeyla and pay the babysitter. We go swimming and have loads of fun.

Hetty pov.

I am quite mad at Callen, Sam and Deeks. How could they hurt Kensi so much.

Word count: 1278

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