Chapter 2

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Deeks pov.

I just don't know what just happend. Kensi had a talk with Hetty, then just took her bag and left. I know we shouldn't have said to Kensi. I don't know why I didn't say anything about it. I don't say it to her, but I like Kensi more then just friends. The only problem is that I don't want to ruin our friendship by asking her out.

"Why did Kensi just leave again?" Callen asks.

"Isn't it obvious? She left because you guys wouldn't let her do anything. Why would you? She is one of the best agents here." I defend Kensi.

"Because the last few months she is away a lot. And with a serial killer on the lose we can't have her distracted." Sam says.

"Maybe she has a good reason."

"I don't know. But let's go because we now know were Labrant is." Sam says. And they both walk to their car.

Kensi pov. (Next day, sunday)

I'm with Mckeyla right now. It's her only day that she doesn't have a whole day of dance classes. So we are just sitting at the table. And my mom didn't came to pick her up yesterday, not that I care because I love Mckeyla.

"Kensi, I have some good news." She starts. "My dance teacher, singing coach and I are working on two song. One very nice song about a girl party and one about christmas."

"Ohh, that is such good news. I'm really excited for you. How far are you with writing it?"

"Almost finished, and in two weeks we have a dance competition in D.C. And then the day after that when we are back in la we are going to record it."

"Wait a competition in Washington D.C.?" I ask

"Yeah, you got an email about that yesterday. Can't you come? It's a really big deal. It's nationals." She says kind of disappointed.

"Hey, Mckeyla don't be sad. I promise I will try my best to make sure I can come. Otherwise you can go with your teammates and their moms."

"Alright, I love you Kens." She says and she walks around the table to hug me.

"I love you to." I say while hugging back.

"Oh and next week there is the opening of the new studio. I have to do a solo there and I'm going to perform i gotta dance. It's on sunday. So maybe you or mom can come."

"Yeah, I'd love to. And I will ask mom if she can also come." I say to her smiling. I'm so happy for her, that she has all these opportunities. I want her to be happy.

The next day....

I just dropped Mckeyla of at the dance studio. Now I'm in front of the ops centre. I walk in to see that I'm the first one here. Or at least I think so. I go to sit at my desk and take out some paperwork. Just when I want to start my team walks down from ops.

"Oh kens, you're here. We have got a case. We didn't know you were here already." Deeks says.

"Alright Deeks take Kensi to the victims house. You will inform her on the case in the car." Callen says and with that he and Sam walk out to the parking lot.

"Alright, Deeks. Who is the victim and what happen?" I ask and he starts explaining.

Time skip to in the car...

"So why do you always have to take days of and stuff?" Deeks asks me.

"That is my own business. Not yours."

"Alright, when do you have to take a day of again."

"Sunday." I say.

Time skip to that evening at ops....           (I know a lot of time skips but yeah..)

It was a short case. A man was killed, wife hired a hitman because he cheated. We just finished our paperwork. Now I'm on my way to Hetty because I have to ask her for a free day next sunday.

"Hello Hetty, I came to ask if I could take the day of next sunday."

"Yes you can but you may have to work more miss Blye. Your team counts on you. You can't take a lot of free days anymore. Then I would have to move you to another unit. Where they have to work less. And we don't have that kind of units in La, then it would be Washington. I don't want to send you away but I have to if derector Vance tells me to."

"I promise I will look what I can change about the situation. But my mom works all the time and then she lets Mckeyla down and I can't let her down to. I have to be there for her at competitions."

"I understand but you will have to understand to that I don't make this decisions, director Vance does."

"I understand." And I walk back to the desks. The rest of the team is sitting there to. "Alright guys I will have to take another day off next sunday. For some thing I have to go to. So please don't be mad. I will try to work more often."

"What thing do you have to go to? You must understand that it's easier for us to understand you if you tell us." Sam says.

"I can't tell you guys."

"Alright but please try not to bail on us again when we are in the middle of a big case." Callen says.

"I promise." I say. And with that we all go home because it's late.

That saturday...

Deeks pov.

We are just sitting at our desks filling in some out paperwork. We don't have any open cases so it's just a quiet day.

"Shit, guys I have to make a quick phonecall. I'll be right back." Kens says staring at the screen of her laptop. Then she takes out her phone and walks away towards the parkinglot. I walk over to her desk.

"Guys why would Kensi search things about a dance school?" Sam and Callen look up.

"I don't know. What are you looking at?" Sam says.

"A poster about a opening of a new dance school. Can you go to their website, the dance school is called ALDC." Sam nods. Callen and I walk towards Sam his deks to watch it with him. They click on the website and see the poster and some more information about it.

"Wait, look here." Callen says pointing at the screen. "The girls that will perform a dance at the grand opening are Maddie Ziegler, Chloe Lukasiak, Kendall Vertes and Mckeyla Blye. The people that are going to perform their own newly written song are Kendall Vertes, JoJo Siwa and Mckeyla Blye."

"Blye as in Kensi?" I ask them.

"I don't know, but here also stands that it's tomorrow and guess who cannot come to work tomorrow." Callen says.

Word count: 1160

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