Chapter 5

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A/n. I hope you like the story at how it's coming together. I already have over 650 reads on this story. I never expected that so thank you all so much! This story is number 1 on the ncisla tag. And number two on the blye tag. I'm so happy. I know short story but I next monday and tuesday I have 9 tests for school. so yeah and also on wednesday I have an operation to take out my throat tonsils (I don't know if that is the right word in english but yeah, those things at the back of the mouth.) and because of that I will probably not be able to work on this story the next few weeks. So yeah enjoy this chapter. Peace out.✌🏻

Kensi pov

I have called nell and she said she was on her way as soon as I send the adress. I know it was a twenty minute drive so she could be here any moment.

"Hey K. She can be here every moment are you coming downstairs, or are you first staying in your room?" I yell. She is in her bedroom drawing.

"I will come down." After a couple of second I see her walking out of the room and down the stairs. As soon as she is all the way down she asks me, "can I play a game on your laptop?"

"Yeah sure, it's on the couch." I answer her, she smiles and walks towards the livingroom. I go to the kitchen to make some a drink for Mckeyla. A minute later the bell rings but I have my hands full of stuf. "K, can you open the door, please?"

"Sure." I hear her walking towards the door.

Mckeyla pov

I walk towards the door and I'm kind of nervous. I've been wanting to meet nell for a really long time. I open the door and see her standing there. She looks at me, confused. Oh yeah she doesn't know about me.

"Hi, I'm Mckeyla Blye. You must be Nell. Come in, Kensi is in the kitchen." I say, I'm talking really fast.

"Hi Mckeyla." She says unsure what to do or say. I gesture for her to get in, and she does. We walk together towards the kitchen. When she sees Kensi she smiles. "Hey, Kens."

"Hello Nell, I see you met Mckeyla. Before you make any assumptions, she is my little sister." She laughs.

"Oh, haha. I was already thinking. But nice to meet you mini Kens." I laugh at the nickname.

"It's also nice to meet you Nell." She smiles at me, and Kensi takes out some glasses.

"How about you two are going to sit in the living room while I get us some tea and coffee."

"Great plan kens. I will take Nell to the living room." I say and I grab Nells hand and pull her away. I get to the living room and go to sit in my favorite seat. Nell follows my example and also sits down.

"So Mckeyla, how are you?"

"I'm great. And you?"

"I'm good. So Mckeyla were do you go to school?" She asks trying to make conversation.

"I'm some kind of homeschooled. I don't go to a school, I get all my classes at my dance studio because that's were I am all day long 6 days a week." I say, and I'm proud of my dancing but also of my school grades and everything.

"So you're a dancer, do you also do other things? And do you have a video of a dance that I can watch?" She asks getting excited.

"Yeah, dancing is my life. I do all sorts of dancing. Ballet, hiphop, Jazz, tap and lot more. And I also love to sing."

"That's so cool, can I hear you singing?"

"Yeah, sure I have a song coming out next week but you can hear that one. And I also have a clip of a dance for you." At this moment Kensi comes into the living room with drinks. "Kens were is the tablet so that I can show Nell my dances and songs?"

"Uhhh.... I think in your room, on the desk."

"Alright I'm just gonna go grab that." I say while already running opstairs.

Kensi pov

"I'm sorry for that. She just gets really excited about her dancing and singing."

"It's not a problem. It's nice to see she has so much joy in it."

"Yeah it's awesome to see her so happy about everything. Even though she doesn't have everything she should have." I say, but the last part mumbling. I mean that her dad is dead and see doesn't see her mom that often.

"What do you mean by that Kens?" But before I have time to answer Nells question, Mckeyla walks back into the room with the tablet. "Ahh, there you are. Can I see the videos?"

"Yeah, here they are." Mckeyla says passing Nell the tablet.

(A/n these are the videos Mckeyla shows Nell.)

"Those are amazing, you're so talented Mckeyla." Nell says

"Thank you." Mckeyla says sheepishly.

Word count: 858

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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