Chapter 4

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A/n Heyy guys. At the top of the chapter is a dance mom group dance called 'always a bridesmade' I love this dance. Mckeyla is the one with pigtails.

If any of you have any ideas what to do in this story then I would love to hear it. And I also have an idea for another story I will put the description of that story at the and of this chapter so please read it and say what you think of it.

"Who are those men at your car?" She asks concerned.

"Those are my teammates. From NCIS." I answer her. "But I do not know why they are here."

"We would be able to take the bus instead of walking towards them. If you want to, I know were the bus stop is." Mckeyla says.

"Yes that would be alright or do you want to meet them?" I ask her.

"Are they good people or are they mean? And are you allowed to tell them about me?"

"They are nice people but I just don't know how they will react to this news so it's all up to you. If you want to go home fast but not meet them you can ask if you can drive with Kendall. She lives in our neighborhood right?"

"Yeah, I think I'll go with that option. Bye kensi i am going to look for kendal." She says and she walks back inside. I walk around the corner again to my car.

"Hello Kens, what are you doing here?" Callen asks as I'm walking towards my car.

"What does it looks like? I'm getting my car. The better question here is, why are you here?" I ask them.

"No reason." Sam says. Then my phone rings, kendall her mom.

(K - kensi, J - jill (kendalls mom))

K - Hello

J - Hi Kensi, I'm sorry but Mckeyla can't drive with us today. We have to go to family. Can I send her to your car or do you want to get her from inside?

K - Just send her to the car, she knows where it is. But thanks anyway. Till next time.

J - Yeah the big competition soon. Bye, till then.

K - Bye.

(End of conversation)

"Who was that?" Sam asks me.

"Just a friend." As I say that Deeks also walks our way.

"Hey Kens." He says.

"Hey. Can you now all just leave. I don't know why you guys are here, but just leave please."

"No, we want to know why you are here in the first place. At a dance studio. With a girl that looks like you and has the same last name." Callen answers me.

"That is none of your business. So just leave."

"Is it you daughter or something?" Deeks asks.

"What! No!" As I say that Mckeyla walks towards us. She waves and I wave back but as soon as she sees the guys she looks a little scared.

"Hey M." I say to her.

"Hey K." She smiles at me.

"Hey little girl. Who are you?" Sam asks in a voice which a uncle would use towards his niece.

"Hi, I'm M..." she starts but I cut her off.

"Don't say anything M. Just get in the car and we will go home." She nods and walks around the car to get in. I also get in the car I start the car and roll the window down.

"Just leave and mind your own business." And with that I drive away. I look at Mckeyla while she looks at me. She probably sees the hurt in my face.

"Don't worry K, they are going to let it go soon. They will learn to not say anything about me. And if they keep asking I would want to meet them. Just so they get off your back." she says. That really helps me to get calmed down.

"Thanks. Maybe I could take you to meet one of my team first. Nell. You know her from that picture, right?" 

"Yeah. I would love to meet her. She seens like a very nice person. But can she then not tell the others about me because I'm not sure yet if I want to meet them. They seemed quite mean just now."

"Of course. I will ask her when she can come. And the guys are also nice they just want to know what I'm hiding from them." I say. She nods and smiles at me. I'm looking forward to her meeting Nell. I think Nell would adore her and treat her like she is her niece or something like that. 

"What are we going to do now? we still have the rest of the day together. Can you please invite Nell over? I want to meet her." She asks me. I smile and nod. I know she had wanted to meet Nell for a while now. But she never told it to me. I think because she thought I didn't want that.

"Yeah I will call her. But I don't know if she has time. So don't get your hopes up." I tell her

A/n hey guys. So here is the story description:

It is a Ncis and Pretty Little Lairs crossover. 

Summary: What if Spencer Hastings is really Sarah Mcgee? The missing sister of special agent Tim Mcgee. Would she want to see him again or did she ran away for a good reason?

Please comment what you think of it.

Word count: 915

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