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hey sadie wadey! I feel like hanging tomorrow, do you agree?




12pm it is


Goddamnit. Finn was so annoying. I didn't wanna hang out with him, I just agreed so he would leave me alone. I didn't think he'd actually come to get me. I got ready anyhow, tying my hair into a high ponytail and throwing on a red and white cropped shirt with some denim mom jeans and white converse. I wore makeup, because it was Finn. I didn't know why I wanted to look good in front of him, maybe it would've stopped the teasing. My heart skipped a beat when I heard a knock at the door. I was incredibly nervous and I didn't know why. "Hey" Finn said causally as I opened the door, he wasn't being sarcastic and cheeky like he usually was.

"Hey" I replied, softer than I expected, stepping out of my house. It was quiet but I enjoyed the silence, it stopped Finn from teasing me. He glanced at me but I ignored him, it felt weird to look straight back at him, so I kept my focus on the pavement below my feet. I zoned out. Completely. He could've started a conversation and I didn't even hear. To my surprise, I lost my balance and toppled over. Finn quickly grabbed my arm and and held me up. It felt so cliche. "Woah, be careful" he chuckled lightly.

"I will be" I replied, smiling. I smiled. I fucking smiled at Finn Wolfhard. Was it Opposite Day? I saw an ice cream van approach and I reached for my purse, heavily craving ice cream. Finn stopped me though,

"I got it, don't worry" he said. It was like we were on a date and he was paying for my stuff. Which we obviously weren't because I was dating Noah, and I disliked Finn with all my heart. Things seemed to change after that day though.


Sadie and I sat atop a hill, watching the sun go down as we ate our ice creams

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Sadie and I sat atop a hill, watching the sun go down as we ate our ice creams. I had planned to annoy her, yet my plan changed. "I'm happy for you" I said, glancing at the sun.

"What?" she asked, turning her head towards me. Her electric blue eyes shimmered in the sunlight and I was amazed. Then I broke the stare.

"You and Noah, I'm happy for you" I said. Then she glanced at the ground. She looked guilty. "What's up?" I asked.

She shook her head, "It's nothing". I knew something was up. I chuckled to myself, planning to annoy her.

"When's the wedding?" I smirked. Sadie smiled and punched me playfully in the arm. I actually thought we were on the way to being good friends.

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