Chapter 2

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MIsty woke up her heart ached terribly.Someone she had claimed to love had abandon her just like that. She was hoping it was just a dream. She looked at the small body standing next to her. It took deep breaths. She whinnied with sadness. She didn't know how someone could have such a cruel hart and abandon their own flesh and blood.

Fox trotted in his head held high. "I must announce you leaving to the herd." He it like he was driving away demons.

Misty nodded, sorrow was filling her heart. She always dreamed of her and Fox raising a little one. A little one that was black and had the normal blue markings.

You see all of them were black but they all were born with different blue swirls and markings..... except for Zorrus.

Misty nudged Zorrus gently with her nose. She knew this wouldn't be a memory of his for long. He wouldn't know, she wouldn't tell him.


Fox had the the herd attention. The were all staring at Zorrus. They were whispering about him."Its a curse he has the wings of a bat!" They gasped."He's an abomination!"

"Quiet!" His voice boomed over the plains."This thing has got to go! It will be leaving immediately!" Fox said with disgust."Misty you still have the option of staying but once you leave with him you are NOT welcome back."

For Misty this was quiet a hard dission. She had a feeling deep in her gut she had to stay with her calf. She took a step forward. She may be bruised but she isn't beaten." I am staying with him!"

"So be it."Fox said sternly." Leave and if you come back you will pay for you choice."

They all walked away except for Fox and Misty's newly pregnant sister Azul. Misty could figure that one out in her head. Azul never told anyone who the father is. Misty knew Azul was jelous that Misty was chosen to be the Alpha female, but they would rally stoop that low and make it a secret. Especially Azul her best friend, and sister. No Misty knew she was nothing but a pretty face to Fox, thats all anyone every was to him anyway. 


Azuls Part

*before Misty and Zorrus EXile*

Azul new it was wrong sneaking around to see Fox. He was her sisters mate which just made it more wrong. Azul just didn't listen to her mind or heart she listened to the ignorant, and rude part of her, the same part that Fox had been using all his life. Fox was only using Azul beacause he needed moore calfs in the tribe.

When secretly Wolf desired Azul. They had been close friends for a long time Wolf just couldn't tell her. He knew Azul was sneaking around with someone he couldn't catch who. Wolf had a broken heart when Azul had announced she was pregnant, but wouldn't tell anyone the father.

*After Exile*

Azul had a mix of feelings. She was glad she didn't have to sneak around with Fox anymore, but he had just exiled her best friend more importantly her own sister. So when she came back she announced to the whole heard that she was having Fox's calf. Which ended up hurting Wolf even more.

Azul had become slowly and slowly more sinister and her heart slow changed to a cold black rock.

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