Changing for the Worst Chapter 8-What the hell is your problem!

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Chapter 8

---Stella's P.O.V---

As i read the note i froze i couldn't believe Jake was telling me this! Why? Why couldn't he wait longer?! I was so pissed at him. The bell rung for 2nd period thank god! I stood up and put the note in my sweater, as i was walking away a hand grabbed my wrist like my father did earlier but this hand was softer.

"Stella wait.... You didn't answer?" i hate hearing his voice now.

Yes i like him.Yes i wanna b with him but not now, not anymore.

"I-i have to go" i said pulling my hand but his grip was to strong.

" But i need u to answer PLZ?!"

"No Jake. You cant just makeout with the biggest b**** in the school and---"

"I thought you guys were friends!"

"WERE Jake WERE past tens. You know in the PAST! U cant just go do that and ask me if i love you. Not anymore. Jake u hurt me, like no has done before! Just pls leave me alone"

I saw a tear falling from his eye. Great now i feel bad. He slowly let go of his grip from my wrist. I turned around and walked away slowly knowing he was looking at the ground.

---2 hours Later---

Finally lunch! Wierd i dont eat but i do listen to music nd play on my phone. I went to go sit on my usual normal lonely table as I sat down I saw a shadow James.

"Hey you" Aww i loved his voice with his cocky smile :p.

"Hey. Why are you sitting here? I thought you'd sit with the usual people." i said with confusing face.

"Yea well i wasn't gonna let you eat lunch by yourself again. Hahaha"

"Real funny" i gave him a sarcastic voice.

Emma who was one of our best friend came to sit with us.

"Guess im not the lonely emo freak now am I?" i ask Emma and James.

"Haha Guess not." said Emma with her nervouse laugh. Yea ive known her for years so i know her laughs. There was a silence for a couple seconds

"Look Im sorry ive been ignoring u for the past 3 days and------" i cut her off

"Dude its ok i promise.Were hanging out now aren't we?" i smiled at her cuz i didnt want her to worry

---10 mins later---

Me,Emma and James we're laughing and talking just remembering memories.What great times i had with them. Suddenly i look down to my i look bak up to see emma and james with shocked faces.

"Wha-Whats going on guys?" i ask with concern.

I turn bak to see no other than Madyson and her preppy squad.

"Hey guys! I could help but notice that you we're hanging out with the new bitch wanna-be" her voice squicked like a duck.UGH.

I turn back to face Emma and james and looked down to my phone"Yeah Im the bitch and the wanna-be" i say under my breath loud enough for Madyson to hear me.

"Anyway..Stella.. I wanted to give u something"

She reached over to my face, cupped my chin and threw a pie in my face.

I gasped in anger" What the hell is wrong with you!!!"

"Oops im sorry you dont like pie? Maybe it cuz ur hungry. Here let me get you sumtin to eat"

Before i new it her bitch squad dumped they're food on me.Spagetti, lauzania, pizza, ice cream, hot dogs. Ever sort of food youd know. No the cheerleaders dont eat these types of food but they picked it out to throw it to me.

"Enjoy your food sweet heart ."

whispering the last part she leaned over and said "Oh and btw... Jake wasn't drunk that day he was making out with me. And i was his first to... Well you know." smiling she went away.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I could feel my face turning red. All i could think is... why? Why me? Why did this happened to me?

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