I Love You

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Elisa's POV

*beep beep beep*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and it's 5:45am. Another day of school, stressful and annoying.

I get out of my bed and look through my curtains, it's still pitch black outside. I go into my bathroom and turn on the lights, "Oh my." I say as I see myself in the mirror.

After I wash my face and brush my teeth I did my business and make my way downstairs.

There I see my dad watching TV, "Why are you up so early?" I ask and he turns in my direction.

"Oh, I slept early last night, I've been up since 3am babe. Your mom slept late last night though," He tells me and I make my way into the kitchen and I see that he has already prepared my breakfast.

"Morning baby girl," I hear mom say as she kisses my forehead and yawns sitting down at the table. I've about finished half of my food and have been scrolling through instagram.

When I'm all finished I place my plate in the sink and run up to my room to get dressed.

You would think just because of Taylor and Joe Alwyn's daughter, that I always dress in fashion. Nope. Today I'm wearing my usual, joggers and a plain shirt with a hoodie.

"Knock knock," I hear and I see mom standing by the door.

"So, I was thinking that I'll pick you up after school today and we'll go on a mother and daughter date. Maybe this whole week since I'm starting my tour soon," She says and I shrug.

"Sure, whatever." I tell her and she walks farther into my room sitting on my bed.

"I love you," She says and I'm pretty shocked, not that she doesn't tell me that, but because I know she knows somethings up with me.

I look at her, "Love you too."

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